Electroscope Questions

The nature of electric charges can be determined using an electroscope. The electroscope is a device that identifies the charge based on the Coulomb electrostatic force, which causes the motion of the test charge. It is a tool that aids in detecting the existence of an electric charge on a body. William Gilbert invented it in 1600.

Types of electroscopes

  • Pith-ball electroscope
  • Gold-leaf electroscope
  • Needle Electroscope

Pith-ball electroscope features one or two small balls made of a lightweight, non-conductive substance known as pith. It helps to identify static electric charges and find the polarity of unknown charges. British physicist John Canton invented it.

Gold-leaf electroscope was invented by the scientist Abraham Bennet. It features a vertical conductive rod with a metal ball on the top and two thin and parallel strips of gold leaf attached at the bottom.

The needle electroscope features a plate connected to a support stand and a pivoted free-swinging needle on either side of the stand.

An electroscope helps identify the existence of ionising radiation or electric charge on a body. An electroscope helps to detect and compare the magnitude of charges. Electroscopes help the force between two charges.

Read more: Electroscope

Important Electroscope Questions with Answers

1. Who invented the gold-leaf electroscope?

British clergyman and physicist Abraham Bennet invented the gold-leaf electroscope.

2. The instrument for measuring the quantitative electrostatic charge is an ______.

a) Voltameter

b) Ammeter

c) Electrometer

d) Potentiometer

Answer: c) Electrometer.

3. An electroscope helps to compare the magnitude of two different charges.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: The electroscope aids in comparing the magnitude of two different charges.

4. Name the classic types of electroscopes.

Classic types of electroscopes are the pith-ball electroscope and gold-leaf electroscope.

5. To prevent the gold leaf from drafts of air, it is kept in ______.

  1. Open atmosphere
  2. Vacuum
  3. Glass bottle
  4. Steel vessel

Answer: c) Glass bottle

Explanation: It is kept in a glass bottle to avoid the gold leaf from drafts of air.

6. The branch of physics that studies the charges at rest is _____.

  1. Electromechanics
  2. Electrostatics
  3. Electromotive force
  4. Electro stationary

Answer: b) Electrostatics

Explanation: The branch of physics that studies the charges at rest is known as electrostatics.

7. Choose the correct answer: Electroscopes are also regarded as crude voltmeters.

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: When the electric charge of the object is equivalent to its capacitance, electroscopes are regarded as crude voltmeters.

8. Can an electroscope help in calculating the force between two charges?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: An electroscope helps in calculating the force between two charges.

9. What is an electric charge?

The basic property of matter that causes it to experience a force when kept in a magnetic or electric field is known as electric charge.

10. Negatively charged particles are known as _______.

  1. Neutrons
  2. Protons
  3. Electrons
  4. None of the options

Answer: c) Electrons

Explanation: Electrons are negatively charged particles.

Practice Questions

  1. Define electrostatics
  2. Explain a pith-ball electroscope.
  3. What is a gold-leaf electroscope?
  4. What are the uses of electroscopes?
  5. What is an electrometer?


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