Fossil Fuel Questions

Fossil fuels are fuels formed by natural processes such as the decomposition of dead and buried organisms. They are hydrocarbon-containing materials.

Types of fossil fuels are:

  • Coal
  • Petroleum
  • Natural gas

Fossil fuels can generate a huge amount of electricity at a single location. They are a non-renewable and cost-effective resource.

Fossil fuels are responsible for environmental hazards, acid rain, impact on aquatic life, and non-renewability.

Coal is a hard, black coloured substance made up of carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen and sulphur. Various types of coal are anthracite, bituminous and lignite.

Petroleum is a clear, oily liquid that is black or green in colour and is commonly called black gold. It is characterised by a strong, strange smell.

Natural gas is a clean, odourless, non-toxic, and colourless fossil fuel which can be transferred through pipelines.

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Important Fossil Fuel Questions with Answers

1. Fossil fuels are ______.

  1. Renewable source of energy
  2. Non-renewable source of energy

Answer: b) Non-renewable source of energy

Explanation: Fossil fuels are non-renewable sources of energy.

2. Which type of gas primarily makes up natural gas?

Natural gas is primarily made up of methane.

3. Which among the following is not a non-renewable source of energy?

  1. Coal
  2. Solar energy
  3. Petroleum
  4. Natural gas

Answer: b) Solar energy

Explanation: Solar energy is a form of renewable source of energy.

4. Is bitumen a fossil fuel?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Yes, bitumen is a fossil fuel.

5. Name three fossil fuels.

Three fossil fuels are natural gas, coal, and crude oil.

6. _____ is the highest quality of coal.

  1. Lignite
  2. Peat
  3. Anthracite
  4. Bituminous

Answer: c) Anthracite

Explanation: Anthracite has 87% or more carbon content, and hence it is the highest quality of coal.

7. Black gold is referred to as _____.

  1. Coal
  2. Solar energy
  3. Petroleum
  4. Natural gas

Answer: c) Petroleum

Explanation: Oil or petroleum is referred to as black gold.

8. Is coal used to generate electricity in thermal plants?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Yes, coal is used to generate electricity in thermal power plants.

9. Which among the following is comparatively cleaner fuel?

  1. Coal
  2. Marble
  3. Petroleum
  4. Natural gas

Answer: d) Natural gas

Explanation: Natural gas is considered as the cleaner fuel.

10. How are fossil fuels formed?

Fossil fuels are formed from the prehistoric remains of plants and animals. Natural gas, coal and oil/petroleum are the forms of fossil fuels.

Practice Questions

  1. Define fossil fuel.
  2. List two advantages of fossil fuels.
  3. What are the disadvantages of fossil fuels?
  4. Explain each type of coal.
  5. What is natural gas?