Gold Leaf Electroscope Questions

The electric charge is the fundamental property of any matter. This property causes it to experience a force when held in a magnetic or electric field. A moving electric charge develops a magnetic field. Charges are categorised into two types, which are: positive and negative. And these charges are commonly carried out by protons and electrons, respectively. Using a gold leaf electroscope, we can notice differences in any body. A gold-leaf electroscope is a simple device to determine a body’s electric charge. This electroscope was invented by the famous scientist Abraham Bennet in 1787. The electroscope is divided into two types, and they are:

  • Gold leaf electroscope
  • Pith ball electroscope

Among these two electroscopes, the gold leaf electroscope is more sensitive than the pitch ball electroscope.

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Important Questions with Answers

1. What is a gold leaf electroscope?

A gold leaf electroscope is a type of electroscope made up of two gold leaves. It is an instrument used to detect the electric charge in a body or any material to classify its polarity.

2. Fill in the blanks.

A gold leaf electroscope is invented by _________ in the year of ________.

  1. Abraham Bennet, 1787
  2. Abraham Bennet, 1877
  3. John Canton, 1754
  4. John Canton, 1787

Answer: a. Abraham Bennet, 1787

Explanation: Abraham Bennet invented a gold leaf electroscope in the year of 1787.

3. What is the application of a gold leaf electroscope?

The gold leaf electroscope can be used to detect charge and identify the nature of the charge. It can also be used in the identification of the body as a conductor or an insulator.

4. Why is brass used in gold leaf electroscopes?

In the gold leaf electroscope, the electric charge gets transferred from the metal disk to the gold leaf through the metallic road. So, the rod is used to transfer the metallic charge. Brass is used in gold leaf electroscopes because it prevents the ultimate corrosion of the metallic contact.

5. Choose the correct statement.

a. Gold leaf electroscope and pith ball electroscope are not sensitive.

b. The gold leaf electroscope is more sensitive than the pith ball electroscope.

c. The pith ball electroscope is more sensitive than the gold leaf electroscope.

d. Gold leaf electroscope and pith ball electroscope are both equally sensitive.

Answer: The gold leaf electroscope is more sensitive than the pith ball electroscope.

Explanation: According to the famous scientist Abraham Bennet, the gold leaf electroscope is more sensitive than the pith ball electroscope.

6. What is the use of a gold leaf electroscope?

Using the gold leaf electroscope, we can determine the ionising radiation or an electric charge on a body. Also, by using this electroscope, we can evaluate and contrast the number of charges. A gold leaf electroscope can be used to detect the force between two-point charges. It can also determine the quantity and type of charges.

7. How can we determine the given body as an insulator or conductor using a gold leaf electroscope?

We need two gold leaf electroscopes to determine whether the given body is an insulator or conductor. Suppose the first gold leaf electroscope is charged so that the leaves will diverge. After that, the second gold leaf electroscope is attached to the first electroscope. If the leaves of the second electroscope diverge, we can say the given body is a conductor. The body is an insulator if there is no change in the leaves.

8. What is the aim of an electroscope?

Using the scientific instrument, the electroscope, we can determine the presence of charge in the body or material and detect the charge type. The movement of a test object catches the charge because of the Coulomb’s electrostatic force.

9. A gold leaf electroscope does not detect the charge’s presence but tests the charge type.

  1. True
  2. False

Answer: b. False

Explanation: A gold leaf electroscope can detect the charge’s presence, and it can test the type of charge as well.

10. How many types of electroscopes are there?

There are two main types of electroscope, and they are:

  1. Gold leaf electroscope
  2. Pith ball electroscope

Practice Questions

  1. How do we construct a gold leaf electroscope?
  2. How does the gold leaf electroscope detect a charge and identify the nature of the charge?
  3. What is the name of the first electroscope? Who invented it?
  4. What are the types of electric charges?
  5. Why is the gold leaf electroscope enclosed in a glass vessel?

Related Links

Watch the video below to learn more about Charging by Conduction.

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