Inaudible Audible Sound Questions

A sound is a form of energy produced by vibrating bodies. Audible sound and inaudible sound are the types of sound. The frequency of sound below 20 Hz and above 20 kHz comes under inaudible frequencies. Sound frequencies ranging from 20 Hz to 20 kHz are known as audible sounds.

Read more: Inaudible Audible Sound.

Important Inaudible Audible Sound Questions with Answers

1. The audible sound ranges between ______.

  1. 20 Hz to 20 kHz
  2. 10 Hz to 12 kHz
  3. More than 20 kHz
  4. Less than 10 Hz

Answer: a) 20 Hz to 20 kHz

Explanation: The range of audible sound ranges from 20 Hz to 20 kHz.

2. ______ provides a relative measure of sound intensity.

  1. Radians
  2. Luminous intensity
  3. Watts
  4. Decibels

Answer: d) Decibels

Explanation: Decibels provide a relative measure of sound intensity.

3. Which types of sound are classified as inaudible sounds?

  1. Above 20 Hz and above 20 kHz
  2. Below 20 Hz and above 20 kHz

Answer: b) Below 20 Hz and above 20 kHz

Explanation: Sound with a frequency range between 20 to 20,000 Hz is known as audible or sonic. Sound less than 20 Hz and above 20 kHz are classified as inaudible sounds.

4. The sound wave below 20 Hz is classified as _______.

  1. Sonic
  2. Supersonic
  3. Infrasonic
  4. None of the options

Answer: c) Infrasonic

Explanation: If the frequency of the sound wave is below 20 Hz, it is known as infrasonic sound.

5. Decibel is named after ______.

  1. Newton
  2. Albert Einstein
  3. Michael Faraday
  4. Alexander Graham Bell

Answer: d) Alexander Graham Bell

Explanation: Decibel is named after the scientist Alexander Graham Bell.

6. A normal middle-aged adult person can hear clearly the highest frequency ______.

  1. 120-140 kilohertz
  2. 1-2 kilohertz
  3. 12-14 kilohertz
  4. 1200-1400 kilohertz

Answer: c) 12-14 kilohertz

Explanation: A normal hearing range of a middle-aged adult person is 12-14 kilohertz.

7. The SI unit of pressure is ______.

  1. Watt per metre square
  2. Pascal
  3. Decibels
  4. Hertz

Answer: b) Pascal

Explanation: Pascal is the SI unit of pressure.

8. Define the pitch of the sound.

The periodic nature of the vibrations which build a sound wave is known as a pitch.

9. Which sound has a frequency of 10dB?

  1. Normal Breathing
  2. Clapping
  3. Sound from speaker
  4. Sound of guitar

Answer: a) Normal Breathing

Explanation: Normal breathing is an almost inaudible sound that has a frequency of 10dB.

10. State true or false: Vibration is the source of the sound.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: Vibration is the cause of sound generation.

Practice Questions

  1. What is sound?
  2. What are the types of sound?
  3. Define inaudible sound with an example.
  4. Explain the audible sound with an example.
  5. Define infrasonic sound.

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Characteristics of Sound

Sound Amplitude, Frequency, Wavelength And Timbre

Difference between Sound, Noise & Music