Magnetic Classification of Materials Questions

Magnetic materials can be classified as ferromagnetic, paramagnetic, and diamagnetic. Ferromagnetic materials possess a permanent magnetic moment, which means that they are always magnetized in one direction. Paramagnetic materials are attracted or repelled by a magnetic field, but the amount of change in their position is dependent on the strength of the magnet. Diamagnetic materials feel no direct force from a magnetic field and have zero net magnetic moment.

Read more: Magnetic Classification of Materials

Important Magnetic Classification of Materials Questions with Answers

1. Define magnetic properties.

The response of a material to the applied magnetic field is called magnetic properties.

2. Chromium is a _______ material.

  1. Diamagnetic
  2. Ferromagnetic
  3. Paramagnetic
  4. Antiferromagnetic

Answer: Chromium is an antiferromagnetic material.

3. Which among the following is a diamagnetic material?

  1. Cobalt
  2. Liquid oxygen
  3. Sodium
  4. Gold

Answer: d) Gold

Explanation: Among the following options, gold is the diamagnetic material.

4. Choose the correct answer: Which type of magnet is used in compass needles?

  1. Temporary magnet
  2. Permanent magnet

Answer: b) Permanent magnet

Explanation: Permanent magnet is used in the compass needle.

5. The measure of the magnetization of the material is known as ______

  1. Magnetic dipole
  2. Magnetic stamina
  3. Magnetic susceptibility
  4. None of the options

Answer: c) Magnetic susceptibility

Explanation: Magnetic susceptibility is the measure of magnetization that takes place in an applied magnetic field.

6. What is the formula to find the magnetic susceptibility?

  1. χ=M+H
  2. χ=M_H
  3. χ=M*H
  4. χ=M/H

Answer: d) χ=M/H

Explanation: the magnetic susceptibility is given by the formula χ=M/H.


  • H: field intensity
  • M: magnetization
  • χ: magnetic susceptibility

7. Magnetic materials which align against the magnetic field are known as _______

  1. Diamagnetic
  2. Ferromagnetic
  3. Paramagnetic
  4. None of the options

Answer: a) Diamagnetic

Explanation: In a diamagnetic material, materials align against the magnetic field.

8. What is the relative permeability of ferromagnetic material?

The relative permeability of the ferromagnetic materials varies from 1000 to 100000 and is not constant.

9. The capacity of a material to hold on or resist magnetization is known as ______

  1. Anti Magnetism
  2. Retentivity
  3. Coercivity
  4. None of the options

Answer: b) Retentivity

Explanation: Retentivity is defined as the capacity of a material to resist magnetization.

10. Capacity of the material to resist the external magnetic field without becoming demagnetized is known as ______

  1. Anti Magnetism
  2. Retentivity
  3. Coercivity
  4. None of the options

Answer: c) Coercivity

Explanation: Coercivity is defined as the capacity of the material to resist the external magnetic field without becoming demagnetized.

Practice Questions

  1. What are magnetic materials?
  2. How are magnetic materials classified?
  3. Give an example of diamagnetic material.
  4. What are paramagnetic materials?
  5. With an example explain ferromagnetic materials.

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Permanent magnet and magnetic behaviour

Electromagnetic force