To convert the given galvanometer (of known resistance and figure of merit) into a voltmeter of desired range and to verify the same.

1) What is a galvanometer?

A galvanometer is an electrical device used to detect and calculate small electrical currents in a circuit.

2) What is the principle behind agalvanometer?

A galvanometer functions on the principle that a current bearing coil placed in a uniform magnetic field encounters a torque.

3) A galvanometer is known as the fundamental electrical measuring tool. Why?

A galvanometer is known as the fundamental electrical measuring tool because it is designed to measure voltage and current.

4) Should the galvanometers possess a high or low resistance?

Galvanometers should possess a low resistance.

5) What is the main procedure to convert a galvanometer into a voltmeter?

A galvanometer is usually changed into a voltmeter by joining a large resistance in series with it.

6) Should voltmeters possess low resistance or high resistance? Why?

Voltmeters should always possess a large resistance; if not, it will decrease the potential difference it is intended to measure.

7) How is a voltmeter joined into an electric circuit?

A voltmeter is always joined parallel in an electric circuit.

8) What is the resistance value of ideal voltmeters?

Ideal voltmeters have infinite resistance.

9) What is the main procedure to convert a galvanometer into an ammeter?

A galvanometer is generally converted into an ammeter of a particular range by joining an appropriate small resistance (shunt) in parallel orientation with the galvanometer.

10) Should ammeters have high or low resistance? Why?

Ammeters should always possess a low resistance; otherwise, they will decrease the current it is intended to calculate.

11) How are ammeters joined in an electric circuit?

Ammeters are always joined in series orientation in an electric circuit.

12) A galvanometer is transformed into a milliammeter and an ammeter. Which of the two devices will have better resistance?

The Milliammeter will possess better resistance.

13) What is the resistance value of ideal ammeters?

Ideal ammeters have zero resistance.

14) What do you mean by a galvanometer’s figure of merit?

A galvanometer’s figure of merit is the electric current needed to generate a one division deflection in the galvanometer.

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