To determine angle of minimum deviation for a given prism by plotting a graph between angle of incidence and the angle of deviation.

1) What are the materials required for this experiment?

The materials required for this experiment are a drawing board, a white sheet of paper, a prism, drawing pins, a pencil, a half-metre scale, office pins, a protractor, and graph paper.

2) What is the theory behind this experiment?

Refraction happens when a light ray moves through two adjacent mediums with different refractive indices or densities. This results in the deviation of the emergent light ray compared to the incident light ray.

3) What is a prism?

A prism is a transparent optical device with polished, flat surfaces that refract light. At least one of its surfaces must be angled. A similar optical device with two parallel sides is not a prism.

4) How many edges are there in a prism?

There are nine edges in a prism.

5) What is meant by the angle of deviation?

The angle of deviation is the angle at which a light ray turns away from the original way while moving through a prism.

6) What are the factors that control the angle of deviation?

It depends on,


<li>The angle of incidence</li>

<li>The material of the prism.</li>

<li>The refracting angle (prism).</li>

<li>The wavelength of the light used (colour).</li>


7) What is the angle of minimum deviation?

The minimum value of the deviation angle is called the angle of minimum deviation.

8) What is the importance of minimum deviation?

At the condition of minimum deviation, light beams move inside the prism parallel to the prism’s base, and the angle of emergence is equal to the angle of incidence.

9) Does the colour of light influence the angle of minimum deviation?

Yes, it is varied for different wavelengths or colours.

10) Which word is used as the abbreviation for remembering the names of seven colours in white light?

VIBGYOR is the word used for remembering the names of seven colours in white light.

11) What is the full form of VIBGYOR?

The full form of VIBGYOR is,

Violet Indigo Blue Green Yellow Orange Red.

12) What is meant by the dispersion of light?

The process of splitting pure white light into its seven constituent colours is known as the dispersion of light.

13) What is the conclusion of the graph of ‘i’ and ‘D’?

The deviation is minimum only at one special value of incidence angle.

14) Why are there dual values of incidence angle for one particular value of deviation angle?

In the case where an emergent light ray is reversed, then the angle i changes to e and the angle e changes to i. The reversed light ray will possess the exact deviation as before.

15) Does a ray of white light produce a spectrum on travelling through a hollow prism?

No, dispersion does not happen in the air. For the generation of the ideal spectrum, light needs a perfect prism.

16) Which colour deviates the least?

Red colour deviates the least.

17) Which colour deviates the most?

Violet colour deviates the most.

18) Which colour possesses the highest refractive index?

Violet colour has the highest refractive index.

19) Which colour has the lowest refractive index?

Red colour possesses the lowest refractive index.

20) What is the Cauchy relation?

The Cauchy relation is the connection between the wavelength of light and the refractive index of the given transparent medium.

21) What is the dispersive power of a prism?

A prism’s dispersive power is the ratio of the angular dispersion for the given two colours to the average deviation generated by the prism.

22) What is the factor that controls dispersive power?

Dispersive power depends on the refractive index of the prism’s material.

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