Translatory Motion

We have come across moving objects and resting objects. Depending on the change of position of the object, we classify whether it is moving or resting. There are various types of motion an object or a body can undergo with respect to time. There are different types of motions, namely: Rotational motion, translatory motion, periodic motion and non-periodic motion.

Let us now learn about translatory motion in detail.

Table of Contents

Translatory Motion

Motion in which all points of a moving body move uniformly in the same direction. If an object is undergoing translatory motion, we can note that there is no change in the object’s orientation. Translatory motion is also known as translational motion.

A body is said to be under a perfect translatory motion when the object moves such that all the particles in the object move parallel.

Example: Consider a solid block, placed on the slanting edge of a right-angled triangle. When the solid block slides down the edge of the right-angled triangle, every point in the rectangular block experiences the same displacement. In a perfect translatory motion, each point of the body experiences the same velocity at all instances of time. Both the points, P1 and P2, undergo the exact same motions. The picture below shows the translatory motion of a solid block.

In the above diagram, each point of the block experiences a different velocity in a different direction. Here the points are arranged with respect to an axis of rotation. Rotation is what you achieve when you constrain a body and fix it along a straight line.

Example: In a bowling alley, when a ball is thrown targeting the pins, you can clearly notice that the ball is not just moving forwards and undergoing translational motion, but it is also spinning. This motion is said to be a rotational motion. We can say that the motion of a rigid body is not completely pivoted or fixed.

Based on the movement of the object, translatory motion can be classified as

  • Rectilinear motion
  • Curvilinear motion

Read More: Rotational Motion

Rectilinear Motion

When an object in translatory motion moves along a straight line, it is said to be in rectilinear motion. Translational motion is generally seen in rectilinear motion when the body moves in a straight line.

Example: A car moving in a straight line and a bullet which gets fired moves in rectilinear motion.

In the above example, all the points of the body/object in motion are in the same direction.

Read More: Rectilinear Motion

Curvilinear Motion

The motion of an object along a curved path is said to be in curvilinear motion. In this type of motion, the motion of an object/body follows a known or fixed curve. Curvilinear motion is a two-three dimensional motion.

Example: stone thrown into the air

Related links

Related links

Simple harmonic motion

Unit of force

Uniform Circular Motion

Sound wave propagation

Frequently Asked Questions on Motion


What kind of motion is symbolised by a stone thrown into the air?

Curvilinear motion.


2. Name the types of motion.

Rotational motion, translatory motion, periodic motion and non-periodic motion.


3. List the types of translatory motion.

  • Rectilinear motion
  • Curvilinear motion

4. Bullet fired from a gun is an example of which type of motion?

Rectilinear motion.


5. What is translatory motion?

Motion in which all points of a moving body move in the same direction equally

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