Carbon dioxide Questions

Carbon dioxide is an essential greenhouse gas that is relaxed by burning fossil fuel, breathing, deforestation, or volcanic eruption. It is a colourless gas with a density roughly 53 % more than that of dry air and is formed by combining two oxygen atoms with one carbon atom.

Definition: Carbon dioxide is a gas formed by combining two oxygen atoms with one carbon atom.

Carbon dioxide Chemistry Questions with Solutions

Q1. Which of the following serves as the main source of carbon for plants?

(a) Atmospheric carbon dioxide

(b) Fossil fuel

(c ) Carbon monoxide

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) Atmospheric carbon dioxide serves as the main source of carbon for plants.

Q2. Which of the following factor contributes to the carbon cycle?

(a) Fossil fuel combustion

(b) Photosynthesis

(c ) Respiration

(d) All of the above

Answer: (d) Fossil fuel combustion, photosynthesis and respiration contribute to the carbon cycle.

Q3. What is the name of solid carbon dioxide?

(a) Compressed Ice

(b) Dry Ice

(c ) Solid Ice

(d) None of the above

Answer: (b) Solid carbon dioxide is also known as dry ice.

Q4. 100 mL of blood carries _____ mL CO2.

(a) 3.7 mL

(b) 0.37 mL

(c ) 13.7 mL

(d) None of the above

Answer: (a) 100 mL of blood carries 3.7 mL CO2.

Q5. What is the test for carbon dioxide, and what result do you observe?

(a) Litmus Paper- Blue

(b) Moist pH Paper- Orange

(c ) Lighted Splint – Squeaky Pop

(d) None of the above

Answer: (d) We can test carbon dioxide by passing it in lime water. If it turns milky, then it confirms the presence of carbon dioxide gas.

CaO + CO2 → CaCO3↓ (White precipitate).

Q6. Which of the following environmental issues is strongly linked to higher carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere?

(a) Ozone layer hole

(b) Pollution

(c ) Global warming

(d) None of the above

Answer: (c ) Global warming is strongly linked to higher carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere.

Q7. Give one method for laboratory preparation and one for the industrial preparation of carbon dioxide.

Answer: We can prepare carbon dioxide in the laboratory by reacting calcium carbonate with dilute hydrochloric acid.

CaCO3 + 2 HCl → CaCl2 + CO2 + H2O

We can prepare carbon dioxide in the industry by heating the limestone.

CaCO3 + heat → CaO + CO2

Q8. Draw the lewis dot structure of the carbon dioxide.

Answer: Lewis dot structure of the carbon dioxide:

Lewis dot structure of the carbon dioxide

Q9. Is carbon dioxide an acid or a base?

Answer: Carbon dioxide is considered to be an acid. It reacts with water to form weak carbonic acid.

CO2 (g) + H2O (l) ⇌ H2CO3 (aq)

Q10. Distinguish between carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide.


S. No.

Carbon dioxide

Carbon monoxide


It is a gas containing two oxygen atoms and one carbon atom, liberated by breathing, combustion of fuels etc.

It is a gas containing one oxygen atom and one carbon atom, liberated by incomplete combustion of fuels.


It is comparatively less toxic.

It is toxic.


Its molar mass is 44 g/mol.

Its molar mass is 28.01 g/mol.


Its molecular formula is CO2.

Its molecular formula is CO.


Its bond length is 116.3 pm.

Its bond length is 112.8 pm.


It is a non-flammable gas.

It is a flammable gas.


It has an impact on the respiratory system.

It impacts the central nervous system, lungs and blood.

Q11. What are the three properties of carbon dioxide?

Answer: Carbon dioxide is a gas formed by combining two oxygen atoms with one carbon atom. A few properties of carbon dioxide are mentioned below.

1. It is colourless.

2. At low concentrations, it is odourless, while at high concentrations, it has a sharp, acidic smell.

3. At standard temperature, carbon dioxide density is 1.53 times higher than air.

Q12. What is the role of carbon dioxide in our body?

Answer: Carbon dioxide is the waste product of the respiratory system. However, it plays a critical role in our body. A few roles of carbon dioxide in our body are mentioned below.

1. It helps in regulating blood’s pH level.

2. It is a dilator of the smooth muscles.

3. It helps in stimulating respiration.

Q13. Match the following.

Column I

Column II


Carbon dioxide



Solvay process

Vital life

Gun powder

No life


Column I

Column II


Vital life


No life

Solvay process

Carbon dioxide

Gun powder


Q14. What happens if we inhale carbon dioxide?

Answer: At lower concentrations, inhaling carbon dioxide is not toxic. It may lead to rapid breathing, increased heart rate, fatigue, emotional upsets and clumsiness. But at higher concentrations, it can affect us harshly. It can lead to vomiting, nausea, convulsions, coma and even death.

Q15. Why is carbon dioxide harmful to the environment?

Answer: Yes, carbon dioxide is detrimental to the environment. It is a primary greenhouse gas that aids in tangling heat in our environment, resulting in increased temperature of the earth’s surface leading to global warming. It is released when fossil fuels like coal or natural gas are burned.

Practise Questions on Carbon dioxide

Q1. What is aerated water?

Q2. Describe a test to detect the presence of carbon dioxide gas?

Q3. Why is carbon dioxide essential to the human body?

Q4. What are the three primary uses of carbon?

Q5. What are the benefits of carbon dioxide?

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