Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 11 The p-Block Elements with Answers - Set 1

The final electron in p-block elements enters the outermost p orbital. In light of the fact that there are three p orbitals, a set of p orbitals can hold a maximum of six electrons. The periodic table has six groups of p-block elements, ranging from 13 to 18. The group’s leaders are helium, fluorine, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and boron.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 11 The p Block Elements Set 1
Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 11 The p Block Elements Set 1

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 11 The p-Block Elements– Set 1

Q-1: Carborundum is

a) Silicon carbide

b) Aluminium carbide

c) Calcium carbide

d) Boron carbide

Q-2: The compound which gives off oxygen on moderate heating is

a) Zinc oxide

b) Mercuric oxide

c) Cupric oxide

d) Aluminium oxide

Q-3: The element which forms oxides in all oxidation states from +1 to +5 is

a) N

b) Sb

c) P

d) As

Q-4: Which of the following statements about ozone is false?

a) Dioxygen is less reactive than ozone.

b) Dioxygen exhibits paramagnetic properties, while ozone is diamagnetic.

c) Ozone shields gamma radiation from harming people on Earth.

d) A photochemical reaction involving dioxygen produces ozone in the upper atmosphere.

Q-5: Which of the following allotropic forms of carbon is isomorphous with crystalline silicon?

a) Graphite

b) Coal

c) Diamond

d) Coke

Q-6: Silanes are scarce, whereas alkanes are widely distributed. Explain.

Q-7: Give one reaction in which CuO acts as an oxidising agent.

Q-8: i) Why is CO called a silent killer?

ii) Give any three preparation methods for carbon monoxide.


i) Why is silica almost non-reactive?

ii) Draw and explain the structure of silica.


(i) Give the chemical formula and the structure of borax.


a) How many boron atoms are involved in sp2 hybridisation?

b) How many boron atoms have a planar shape in the structure of borax?

c) How many boron atoms are involved in sp3 hybridisation?

Q-11: How does CO2 contribute to the greenhouse effect?

Q-12: Compared to air, nitrous oxide supports combustion more actively. Explain.

Q-13: Describe with an equation what happens when carbon is heated with conc. H2SO4.

Q-14: i) How will you prepare fullerene?

ii) What is the type of layer arrangement in 𝜷-graphite?

iii) How can you obtain Lamp black?

Q-15: i) Why do body armours use boron fibre?

ii) How does the isotope of boron control nuclear fusion?

Q-16: Write the following reactions with products.

(i) Reaction of boron with conc. HNO3.

(ii) Reaction of aluminium with nitrogen.

(iii) Reaction of gallium with oxygen.

Q-17: Give the hydrolysis product of the following.

a) SiF4

b) CCl4

c) (CH3)2SiCl2

Q-18: On what factors does the thermal stability of carbon family halides depend, and how does it change?

Q-19: Explain the structure of zeolites.


i) Why do the properties of silicon differ from germanium despite the same electronegativity?

ii) Name the second most abundant element in Earth’s crust.

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