Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 4

Biomolecules are the most important organic molecules in living organisms’ maintenance and metabolic processes. These non-living molecules are the actual foot soldiers in the fight for survival. Small molecules like primary and secondary metabolites and hormones, as well as large macromolecules like proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and so on, are examples.

The four major classes of biomolecules are carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 4
Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 4
Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 4

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Worksheet Chapter 14 Biomolecules – Set 4

Q1. Nucleic acids are polymers of-

a.) nucleosides

b.) globulins

c.) nucleons

d.) nucleotides

Q2. Which of the following is a peptide hormone?

a.) Testosterone

b.) Thyroxin

c.) Adrenaline

d.) Insulin

Q3. Which of the following does not exhibit the phenomenon of mutarotation?

a.) (+) Maltose

b.) ( – ) Fructose

c.) (+) Sucrose

d.) Lactose

Q4. Deficiency of vitamin B1, causes the disease-

a.) convulsions

b.) beri-beri

c.) cheilosis

d.) sterility

Q5. The chemical change in DNA molecule that could lead to synthesis of proteins with an altered amino acids sequence is called:

a.) Replication

b.) Lipid formation

c.) Cellular membrane

d.) Mutation

Q6. What are the three types of RNA molecules which perform different functions?

Q7. What is a glycosidic linkage?

Q8. Name two fat-soluble vitamins, their sources and the diseases caused due to their deficiency in the diet.

Q9. What will be the sequence of bases on the strand of DNA that would be complementary to the strand having the following sequence of bases:


Q10. What are Nucleosides and Nucleotides?

Q11. a.) Classify the following as globular or fibrous proteins.

i.) Keratin

ii.) Myosin

iii.) Insulin

iv.) Haemoglobin

b.) Classify the following as monosaccharides or disaccharides?

i.) Ribose

ii.) Maltose

iii.) Galactose

iv.) Lactose


i.) Define the terms hypervitaminosis and avitaminosis.

ii.) What are the main functions of DNA and RNA in the human body?

iii.) What forces are responsible for the stability of ⍺-helix. Why is it also known as 3.613 helix?

Q13. Glucose and fructose give the same osazone. Explain.


a.) Name one fibrous protein and one globular protein.

b.) What are the products obtained on hydrolysis of sucrose?

c.) What is the structural feature characterising reducing sugars?

Q15. Write short note on hormones?


i.) What are the most common types of secondary protein structure?

ii.) What is tertiary structure of protein?

Q17. Write short note on nucleic acid?


i.) State the difference between protein and enzymes?

ii.) What is the importance of carbohydrates?

Q19. i.) What is meant by DNA fingerprinting?

ii.) How is glucose prepared commercially?

iii.) What is the structural difference between glucose and fructose?

iv.) Which disaccharides are non-reducing sugars?


i.) What is the meaning of the statement– Glucose is an aldohexose.

ii.) Why are polysaccharides considered non–sugars?

iii.) Except vitamin B12, all other vitamins of group B should be supplied regularly in diet. Why?

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