Adiabatic Process Questions

A type of thermodynamic process where no exchange of heat from the system to its surroundings, neither during expansion nor during compression, takes place is known as an adiabatic process.

The adiabatic process can be either reversible or irreversible.

The adiabatic process is represented using the equation: PV<sup>γ</sup> = constant


P – the pressure of the system

V – the volume of the system

γ – adiabatic index

The ideal behaviour of a closed system where the temperature is decreasing and the pressure is constant is known as adiabatic expansion.

In the adiabatic process, no heat transfer takes place, and the temperature can be varied.

The thermodynamic process, which takes place at a constant temperature, is known as the isothermal process.

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Important Adiabatic Process Questions with Answers

1. The release of air from a pneumatic tire is an example of ______.

  1. Isothermal process
  2. Adiabatic process

Answer: b) Adiabatic process

Explanation: In this process, gas compression takes place, and heat is generated.

2. In which process is the work done due to the change in the net heat content in the system?

  1. Isothermal process
  2. Adiabatic process

Answer: a) Isothermal process

Explanation: In the isothermal process, the work is done due to the change in the system’s net heat content.

3. For the adiabatic process to take place, the system should be ______.

  1. Perfectly conducting
  2. Perfectly insulating
  3. Semiconducting
  4. Semi-insulating

Answer: b) Perfectly insulating

Explanation: For an adiabatic process to take place, the system should be completely insulated.

4. In the adiabatic process, the exchange of heat seen from the system to its surroundings takes place during expansion.

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: b) NO

Explanation: No exchange of heat takes place in the adiabatic process.

5. In the adiabatic process, transformation is ______.

  1. Zero
  2. Slow
  3. Fast
  4. None of the above

Answer: c) Fast

Explanation: Heat transmission is comparatively fast in the adiabatic process.

6. The ratio of heat capacity at constant pressure to heat capacity at constant volume gives ______.

  1. Isothermal index
  2. Adiabatic index
  3. Efficiency index
  4. Compression index

Answer: b) Adiabatic index

Explanation: Adiabatic index gives the ratio of heat capacity at constant pressure to heat capacity at constant volume.

7. What is the reversible adiabatic process, also known as?

The reversible adiabatic process is also known as an isentropic process.

8. _______ is the ideal behaviour for a closed system, in which the pressure is constant, and the temperature is decreasing.

  1. Adiabatic expansion
  2. Adiabatic compression
  3. Adiabatic constant
  4. None of the above

Answer: b) Adiabatic Compression

Explanation: In adiabatic compression, the pressure remains constant, and the temperature decreases.

9. State true or false: A pendulum oscillating in a vertical plane is an example of the adiabatic process.

  1. TRUE
  2. FALSE

Answer: a) TRUE

Explanation: A pendulum oscillating in a vertical plane is an example of the adiabatic process since this process occurs without any heat transfer between the system and the surrounding.

10. The adiabatic index is represented by the symbol _____.

  1. \(\begin{array}{l}\alpha\end{array} \)
  2. \(\begin{array}{l}\beta \end{array} \)
  3. \(\begin{array}{l}\mu\end{array} \)
  4. γ

Answer: d) γ

Explanation: γ is the symbol to represent the adiabatic index.

Practice Questions

  1. Define adiabatic process.
  2. What is the formula to represent the adiabatic process?
  3. Write three applications of the adiabatic process.
  4. What is an adiabatic index?
  5. What is meant by the isothermal process?