Conservation of Angular Momentum Questions

The law of conservation of angular momentum states that when no external torque acts on an object, no change of angular momentum occurs.

A rotational or twisting effect of a force is known as torque.

The relationship between torque and angular momentum is given by the formula:

\(\begin{array}{l}\vec{l} = \vec{r}*\vec{p}\end{array} \)

Read more: Conservation of Angular Momentum

Important Conservation of Angular Momentum Questions with Answers

1. Angular momentum is a _______.

  1. Scalar quantity
  2. Dimensionless quantity
  3. Vector quantity
  4. None of the options

Answer: c) Vector quantity

Explanation: Angular momentum is a vector quantity since it has both magnitude and direction.

2. ______ formula gives the angular momentum of a particle in rotational motion.

  1. \(\begin{array}{l}l=r+p\end{array} \)
  2. \(\begin{array}{l}l=r-p\end{array} \)
  3. \(\begin{array}{l}l=r*p\end{array} \)
  4. \(\begin{array}{l}l=r/p\end{array} \)

Answer: c)

\(\begin{array}{l}l=r*p\end{array} \)

Explanation: The particle’s angular momentum in rotational motion is given by the formula

\(\begin{array}{l}l=r*p\end{array} \)

3. The formula to find the momentum is ______.

  1. p=m+v
  2. p=m-v
  3. p=m+v
  4. p=mv

Answer: d) p=mv

Explanation: Momentum is given by the formula: p=mv.

4. If the net torque is zero, then angular momentum is ______.

  1. Infinity
  2. 1
  3. -1
  4. Constant

Answer: d) Constant

Explanation: The angular momentum is constant when the net torque is zero.

5. Is the law of conservation of angular momentum applied in electric generators?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Angular momentum is used in electric generators.

6. What is the SI unit for torque?

The SI unit for torque is the Newton metre.

7. What is quantum mechanics?

Quantum mechanics is the branch of physics that deals with the behaviour of matter and light on a subatomic and atomic level.

8. What is momentum?

Momentum is defined as the quantity of motion of the body.

9. What is the unit of momentum?

  1. Kg.m.s
  2. Kg.m.s-1
  3. kg/m
  4. kg.m2

Answer: b) Kg.m.s-1

Explanation: The unit of momentum is Kg.m.s-1.

10. Write two applications of the law of conservation of angular momentum.

The law of conservation of angular momentum is applied in aircraft engines and electric generators.

Practice Questions

  1. Define quantum mechanics.
  2. What is meant by angular momentum?
  3. Is momentum a scalar or a vector quantity?
  4. What is inertia?
  5. State true or false: The rate of change of angular momentum is torque.