Hypermetropia Questions

Hypermetropia condition is also referred to as long-sightedness, far-sightedness, or hyperopia. It is classified as Functional hyperopia, Simple hyperopia, and Pathological hyperopia.

Blurry vision, watering, tiredness in the eyes, the inward turning of the eyes and headaches are some of the symptoms of hyperopia.

Read more: Hypermetropia

Important Hypermetropia Questions with Answers

1. In a person suffering from hypermetropia, the image of a nearby object is formed ______ the retina.

  1. On
  2. Before
  3. Behind
  4. None of the options

Answer: c) Behind

Explanation: The object is focused behind the retina in hypermetropia condition.

2. What are the various refractive defects of vision?

Common refractive defects of vision are:

  • Presbyopia
  • Hypermetropia or farsightedness
  • Myopia or near-sightedness

3. Myopia is commonly known as ______.

  1. Far-sightedness
  2. Near-sightedness

Answer: b) Near-sightedness

Explanation: Myopia is also known as near-sightedness.

4. Blurred vision due to ageing is known as ______.

  1. Presbyopia
  2. Hypermetropia
  3. Myopia
  4. None of the options

Answer: a) Presbyopia

Explanation: Presbyopia is a condition usually seen in people above the age of 40 years.

5. When the crystalline lens at old age turns milky and cloudy, it is known as _____.

  1. Presbyopia
  2. Hypermetropia
  3. Cataract
  4. Myopia

Answer: c) Cataract

Explanation: Crystalline lenses turn milky and cloudy when the cataract is developed.

6. The capacity of the eye lens to adjust its focal length is known as ______.

  1. Correction
  2. Rectification
  3. Accommodation
  4. Regularisation

Answer: c) Accommodation

Explanation: The process by which certain muscles adjust to change the focal length of the eyes to form the image on the retina is known as the accommodation of the eye.

7. The objects at a distance can be viewed clearly when the focal length ______.

  1. Remains same
  2. Decreases
  3. Increases
  4. Becomes zero

Answer: c) Increases

Explanation: When the focal length is increased, distant objects can be viewed clearly.

8. The person with hypermetropia will have trouble focusing ______.

  1. Far objects
  2. Nearby objects

Answer: b) Nearby objects

Explanation: in the hypermetropia condition, a person will have difficulty to focus nearby objects but can clearly see distant objects.

9. List three structural defects that are responsible for hypermetropia condition.

Structural defects that are responsible for hypermetropia condition are:

  • Weakness in ciliary muscle
  • Low converging power of eye lens
  • The cornea is flatter than usual

10. How is hypermetropia classified based on the accommodative status?

Based on the accommodative status, hypermetropia is classified as:

  • Total hypermetropia
  • Latent hyperopia
  • Manifest hyperopia

Watch the video to know the need for spectacles/contact lenses to correct eye defects.

Practice Questions

  1. How is hypermetropia classified based on severity?
  2. How is hypermetropia classified based on the structure of the eye?
  3. What are the various treatments used to correct hypermetropia?
  4. What is meant by LASEK?
  5. Define accommodation of the eye.

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Human Eye
