Satellite communication plays a vital role in global telecommunication. The use of artificial satellites to provide communication links between various points on Earth is known as satellite communication. Radio waves are used to carry satellite signals. These waves travel at 300,000 km/s.

The advantages of satellite communication are:

  • The area of coverage is more than that of terrestrial systems.
  • Every corner of the earth can be covered.
  • Transmission cost is independent of coverage area.
  • More bandwidth and broadcasting possibilities.

The disadvantage of satellite communication are:

  • Free space loss is more.
  • Launching satellites is not economical.
  • Repairing a satellite is a challenging task.
  • The propagation delay of satellite systems is more.
  • Frequency congestions are seen.

Applications of satellite communication are:

  • They are used in TV broadcasting like Direct To Home (DTH), voice communications, and radio broadcasting.
  • Satellite communication is used in military applications and navigations.
  • Satellite communication is used in remote sensing applications.
  • It is used in weather monitoring and forecasting.

Important Satellite Communication Questions with Answers

1. What is a space station?

A space station is a spacecraft that supports a human crew in orbit for an extended period and is, therefore, a space habitat.

2. Ohsumi satellite belongs to which country?

  1. India
  2. The United States of America
  3. China
  4. Japan

Answer: d) Japan

Explanation: Ohsumi is the first man-made satellite. It was launched by Japan in 1970.

3. GSAT-30 satellite launched by India is a ______.

  1. Agriculture satellite
  2. Weathering satellite
  3. Communication satellite
  4. Military satellite

Answer: c) Communication satellite

Explanation: GSAT-30 is a communication satellite.

4. How are the artificial satellites used in satellite communication classified?

Artificial satellites used in satellite communication are classified as:

  1. Passive satellites
  2. Active satellites

5. Choose YES or NO: Direct To Home (DTH) television broadcasting is possible because of satellite communication?

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: Direct To Home (DTH) television broadcasting results from satellite communication.

6. Which type of satellite amplifies the transmitted signals before re-transmitting them to Earth?

  1. Passive satellite
  2. Active satellite

Answer: b) Active satellite

Explanation: In the early stage, passive satellites were used, but in recent days active satellites have been used.

7. The transmission of the signal from an earth station to the satellite through a channel is known as ______.

  1. Downlink
  2. Uplink
  3. No link
  4. None of the options

Answer: b) Uplink

Explanation: The transmission of the signal from an earth station to the satellite through a channel is known as uplink.

8. How are satellite communication services classified?

Satellite communication services are classified as:

  • One-way satellite communication
  • Two-way satellite communication

9. Internet services are provided by _____

  1. Agriculture satellite
  2. Weathering satellite
  3. Military satellite
  4. Broadcasting satellite

Answer: d) Broadcasting satellite

Explanation: With the help of broadcasting satellites, internet services are provided.

10. Electromagnetic waves can carry _____

  1. Video signal
  2. Audio signal
  3. Both audio and video signals
  4. None of the options

Answer: c) Both audio and video signals.

Practice Questions

  1. What is a satellite?
  2. List the application of satellite communication.
  3. What are the advantages of satellite communication?
  4. List three types of satellites.
  5. Define downtime frequency.

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