
We have heard many terms with the prefix “super” in our daily life. Supercomputers, superconductors, super trains, super individuals/humans, super nutrition, super-specialist and many more. This “super” indicates the extraordinary power/capacity of a particular thing. In this article, let us understand and study the super-power of a small component known as a supercapacitor.


The supercapacitor is also known as an ultracapacitor. This capacitor is called an ultracapacitor since it has a higher capacitance value than other regular capacitors. The capacitors have low voltage limits. These components are the choice over the regular type of capacitors since they feature higher power density. These components consume less power and are absolutely safe and easy to operate.

Let us understand and learn more about the types of supercapacitors, specifications, advantages and applications.

Types Of Supercapacitor

Supercapacitors are classified into three types:

  1. Electrostatic double-layer capacitors
  2. Pseudo-capacitors
  3. Hybrid capacitors

Electrostatic Double Layer Capacitors

These types of capacitor include two electrodes, a separator, and an electrolyte. The electrolyte is the mixture that constitutes positive and negative ions dissolved in water. The two electrodes are separated by a separator. These supercapacitors use carbon electrodes or derivatives with much higher electrostatic double-layer capacitance. The separation of charge in electrostatic double-layer capacitors is less than in a conventional capacitor; it ranges from 0.3–0.8 nm.

Pseudo Capacitors

Pseudo capacitors are also referred to as electrochemical pseudo-capacitors. These capacitors make use of metal oxide or conducting polymer electrodes with a high amount of electrochemical pseudocapacitance. These types of components store electrical energy by electron charge transfer between electrode and electrolyte. This can be done by a reduction-oxidation reaction commonly known as a redox reaction.

Hybrid capacitors

The hybrid capacitors are developed by using the techniques of double-layer capacitors and pseudo-capacitors. In these components, electrodes with different characteristics are used. One electrode with the capacity to display electrostatic capacitance, and the other electrode with electrochemical capacitance.

Examples of hybrid capacitors: the lithium-ion capacitor

Specifications Of Supercapacitor

  1. Supercapacitors have high capacitances up to 2 kF.
  2. These capacitors store large amounts of energy.
  3. Supercapacitors bridge the gap between conventional capacitors and rechargeable batteries.
  4. The charge time of a supercapacitor is 1–10 seconds.
  5. These components can store electricity through either electrostatic charge absorption/desorption.

Applications Of Supercapacitors

Supercapacitors are used in the following:

  1. Electric cars
  2. Wind turbines
  3. Photographic flash
  4. Flywheel in machines
  5. MP3 players
  6. Regenerative braking in the automotive industry
  7. Static memories (SRAM)
  8. Industrial electrical motors

Read more about the formula of capacitance.

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Frequently Asked Questions on Supercapacitors


1. Supercapacitors have high capacitances up to?

2 kF.


2. What is the charge time of a supercapacitor?

1–10 seconds.


3. What are the types of supercapacitors?

  • Electrostatic double-layer capacitors
  • Pseudo -capacitors
  • Hybrid capacitors

4. What is a supercapacitor also known as?



5. What are the applications of supercapacitors?

Supercapacitors are used in:

  • Electric cars
  • Wind turbines
  • Photographic flash
  • Flywheel in machines
  • MP3 players
  • Regenerative braking in the automotive industry
  • Static memories (SRAM)
  • Industrial electrical motors


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