Difference Between Ideal Gas and Real Gas

The three states of matter that are recognised by their characteristics are solids, liquids and gases. Solids have definite mass and shape due to the strong molecular attraction. In liquids, the molecules are moving so they result in taking the shape of the container. In gases, the molecules are free to move anywhere in the container. Two types of gases exist. Real gas and Ideal gas. As the particle size of an ideal gas is extremely small and the mass is almost zero and no volume Ideal gas is also considered a point mass. The molecules of real gas occupy space though they are small particles and also have volume.

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Ideal gas:

An ideal gas is defined as a gas that obeys gas laws at all conditions of pressure and temperature. Ideal gases have velocity and mass. They do not have volume. When compared to the total volume of the gas the volume occupied by the gas is negligible. It does not condense and does not have triple point.

Real gas:

A real gas is defined as a gas that does not obey gas laws at all standard pressure and temperature conditions. When the gas becomes massive and voluminous it deviates from its ideal behaviour. Real gases have velocity, volume and mass. When they are cooled to their boiling point, they liquefy. When compared to the total volume of the gas the volume occupied by the gas is not negligible.

To make you understand how ideal gas and real gas are different from each other, here are some of the major differences between ideal gas and real gas:

Difference between Ideal gas and Real gas
No definite volume Definite volume
Elastic collision of particles Non-elastic collisions between particles
No intermolecular attraction force Intermolecular attraction force
Does not really exists in the environment and is a hypothetical gas It really exists in the environment
High pressure The pressure is less when compared to Ideal gas
Independent Interacts with others
Obeys PV = nRT Obeys P+((n2a)V2)(V−nb)=nRT

These were some of the important difference between real gas and ideal gas. To know the differences between other topics in chemistry you can register to BYJU’S or download our app for simple and interesting content. India’s largest k-12 learning app is with top-notch teachers from across the nation with excellent teaching skills. Find notes, question papers for other subjects like Mathematics, Physics, Biology and various competitive exams as well. Enjoy learning with great experience. Learning is no more boring with BYJU’S.

Related Links:

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Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is an ideal gas?

An ideal gas is defined as a gas that obeys gas laws at all pressure and temperature conditions. Ideal gases have velocity and mass. They do not have volume.


What is real gas?

A real gas is defined as a gas that does not obey gas laws at all standard pressure and temperature conditions. Real gases have velocity, volume and mass.


Do ideal gas exist?

No, three is no ideal gas. However, a few gases behave as an ideal gas under specific temperature and pressure boundaries.


Does the ideal gas law apply to liquids?

No, the ideal gas law does not apply to liquid.


Who derived the ideal gas?

Ideal gas was derived by Benoît Paul Émile Clapeyron.

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