Electronegativity Chart

Before we look at the electronegativity chart let us briefly understand some key ideas like what is electronegativity and a few related terms. Electronegativity is defined as the measure of the tendency of an atom to attract electrons towards itself. It describes how well an atom attracts an electron.

Electronegativity is determined mainly by considering two important factors. The first is the nuclear charge where higher the number of protons in an atom stronger will be the force of attraction on electrons. The second is the location or the number of electrons in the atomic shells.

Measurement of Electronegativity

Even though the concept of electronegativity was studied long back in history, an American chemist named Linus Pauling in the year 1932 developed the most accurate scale of electronegativity. His scale popularly referred to as Pauling scale was mainly based on the development of Valence Bond Theory which seemingly helped him understand the relationship between one chemical property with another property. The scale was further based on bond-energy calculations of different elements having covalent bonds. However, electronegativity of an element cannot be measured directly as it depends solely on the different properties of each element.

The Importance Of Electronegativity Values

Electronegativity is mainly used for two purposes;

  • To predict if an atom will form an ionic or a covalent bond.
  • To predict if the resulting molecule will be polar or nonpolar.

Electronegativity Chart and The Periodic Table

Most of the time, the electronegativity values of elements are given in the periodic table. One can easily find the values and refer to them. Notably, in the periodic table the element fluorine has the highest electronegativity value. Keeping this fact can be really helpful as most of the time electronegativity value tends to increase or move towards fluorine in the periodic table.

Electronegativity Chart

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There are also some electronegativity trends that can be observed in the Periodic table. On moving from left to right in the Periodic table, electronegativity increases whereas on moving from top to bottom, the electronegativity decreases.

Apart from this, the electronegativity chart can also be created in accordance with the periodic table. The chart is given below and it is much easier to find the electronegativity values of the elements. The values are arranged as per the number of the element in the periodic table.

No. Element Symbol Electronegativity
1 Hydrogen H 2.2
2 Helium He no data
3 Lithium Li 0.98
4 Beryllium Be 1.57
5 Boron B 2.04
6 Carbon C 2.55
7 Nitrogen N 3.04
8 Oxygen O 3.44
9 Fluorine F 3.98
10 Neon Ne no data
11 Sodium Na 0.93
12 Magnesium Mg 1.31
13 Aluminium Al 1.61
14 Silicon Si 1.9
15 Phosphorus P 2.19
16 Sulphur S 2.58
17 Chlorine Cl 3.16
18 Argon Ar no data
19 Potassium K 0.82
20 Calcium Ca 1
21 Scandium Sc 1.36
22 Titanium Ti 1.54
23 Vanadium V 1.63
24 Chromium Cr 1.66
25 Manganese Mn 1.55
26 Iron Fe 1.83
27 Cobalt Co 1.88
28 Nickel Ni 1.91
29 Copper Cu 1.9
30 Zinc Zn 1.65
31 Gallium Ga 1.81
32 Germanium Ge 2.01
33 Arsenic As 2.18
34 Selenium Se 2.55
35 Bromine Br 2.96
36 Krypton Kr 3
37 Rubidium Rb 0.82
38 Strontium Sr 0.95
39 Yttrium Y 1.22
40 Zirconium Zr 1.33
41 Niobium Nb 1.6
42 Molybdenum Mo 2.16
43 Technetium Tc 1.9
44 Ruthenium Ru 2.2
45 Rhodium Rh 2.28
46 Palladium Pd 2.2
47 Silver Ag 1.93
48 Cadmium Cd 1.69
49 Indium In 1.78
50 Tin Sn 1.96
51 Antimony Sb 2.05
52 Tellurium Te 2.1
53 Iodine I 2.66
54 Xenon Xe 2.6
55 Cesium Cs 0.79
56 Barium Ba 0.89
57 Lanthanum La 1.1
58 Cerium Ce 1.12
59 Praseodymium Pr 1.13
60 Neodymium Nd 1.14
61 Promethium Pm 1.13
62 Samarium Sm 1.17
63 Europium Eu 1.2
64 Gadolinium Gd 1.2
65 Terbium Tb 1.22
66 Dysprosium Dy 1.23
67 Holmium Ho 1.24
68 Erbium Er 1.24
69 Thulium Tm 1.25
70 Ytterbium Yb 1.1
71 Lutetium Lu 1.27
72 Hafnium Hf 1.3
73 Tantalum Ta 1.5
74 Tungsten W 2.36
75 Rhenium Re 1.9
76 Osmium Os 2.2
77 Iridium Ir 2.2
78 Platinum Pt 2.28
79 Gold Au 2.54
80 Mercury Hg 2
81 Thallium Tl 1.62
82 Lead Pb 2.33
83 Bismuth Bi 2.02
84 Polonium Po 2
85 Astatine At 2.2
86 Radon Rn no data
87 Francium Fr 0.7
88 Radium Ra 0.89
89 Actinium Ac 1.1
90 Thorium Th 1.3
91 Protactinium Pa 1.5
92 Uranium U 1.38
93 Neptunium Np 1.36
94 Plutonium Pu 1.28
95 Americium Am 1.3
96 Curium Cm 1.3
97 Berkelium Bk 1.3
98 Californium Cf 1.3
99 Einsteinium Es 1.3
100 Fermium Fm 1.3
101 Mendelevium Md 1.3
102 Nobelium No 1.3
103 Lawrencium Lr no data
104 Rutherfordium Rf no data
105 Dubnium Db no data
106 Seaborgium Sg no data
107 Bohrium Bh no data
108 Hassium Hs no data
109 Meitnerium Mt no data
110 Darmstadtium Ds no data
111 Roentgenium Rg no data
112 Copernicium Cn no data
113 Nihonium Nh no data
114 Flerovium Fl no data
115 Moscovium Mc no data
116 Livermorium Lv no data
117 Tennessine Ts no data
118 Oganesson Og no data

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