Chemical Effects of Electric Current Questions

What are the Chemical Effects of Electric Current?

The chemical effects of electric current are a concept that relates to the conduction of electricity through several mediums such as metals, liquids, alloys etc. For instance, metals like aluminium, silver, and copper are good conductors of electricity; on the other hand, materials like plastic, rubber etc. are bad conductors of electricity. When we talk about liquids, some liquids are good conductors of electricity while a few are bad conductors of electricity.

The chemical effects of electric current are an important concept because there are several other ways to conduct electricity which have a wide range of applications too. For instance, the water obtained from sources such as wells, ponds etc. contain several dissolved salts, which means they are not pure. So, such kind of water is a good conductor of electricity, and it has been proven practically. While the water that is free of salt, known as distilled water, is a bad conductor of electricity.

When the current passes through chemical solutions, it results in different kinds of chemical reactions and these chemical effects include:

  • Gas bubbles formation at electrodes
  • At electrodes, the metals get deposited
  • Changes in the colour of the solution

Important Questions on Chemical Effects of Electric Current

1) Which among the following is the main principle of electroplating?

a) Hydrolysis

b) Electrolysis

c) Saturation

d) Neutralisation

Correct Option: (a)

Explanation: The process by which a metal gets deposited over the other metal in the presence of metal salt is known as electroplating. The principle behind electroplating is hydrolysis because, in this process, the water molecule is given out as the end product.

2) Electroplating is not applicable for ___________.

a) Coating of metal

b) Decorative purpose

c) Protection of metal

d) Corrosion prevention

Correct Option: (d)

Explanation: The process by which a metal gets deposited over the other metal in the presence of metal salt is known as electroplating. Hence, it does not help in preventing corrosion, but it is used for decorative purposes, in coating/protecting other metals etc.

3) _____ is the process of modifying metal’s properties.

a) Hydrolysis

b) Electrodeposition

c) Neutralisation

d) Electroplating

Correct Option: (b)

Explanation: A thin layer of metal is coated over the other metals in the electroplating process, but it does not modify its properties. As a result, the electrodeposition process is used in which the property of the coated metal changes, and the coating is permanent.

4) The mineral which contains a metallic element and can be economically exploited is called _____,

a) Ore mineral

b) Gangue mineral

c) Flux mineral

d) Eco-mineral

Correct Option: (a)

Explanation: The mineral which contains a metallic element in a quantity that can be extracted, exploited and used at an economical cost are known as ore minerals.

5) On which of the following characteristics does the definition of ore depend?

a) Quality

b) Size

c) Colour

d) Quantity

Correct Option: (b)

Explanation: An ore deposit is defined as the natural concentration of an ore mineral in a huge rock body. Hence, the characteristics of the definition of ore depend on size.

6) _____ are the non-metallic minerals associated with ore minerals.

a) Metallic minerals

b) Ore minerals

c) Gangue minerals

d) Flux minerals

Correct Option: (c)

Explanation: The non-metallic minerals often found associated with an ore-mineral are known as gangue minerals. These are separated from the ore before the extraction of the metal.

7) The electrolyte used in the process of electrolysis is always in a liquid or molten state. Is it true or false?

a) True

b) False

Correct Option: (a)

Explanation: To achieve a chemical reaction, the process of electrolysis is used in which the direct current is passed through the electrodes. When the chosen electrolyte is in a solid state, it will not be possible to conduct the chemical reaction.

8) _____ is a special type of cell in which the electrolyte is placed.

a) Induction cell

b) Conductance cell

c) Photovoltaic cell

d) Conduction cell

Correct Option: (b)

Explanation: A Conductance cell made of highly resistant glass such as Pyrex or quartz is a special type of cell in which the electrolyte is placed.

9) Which among the following compounds are an example of electrolytes?

a) Acids

b) Alloys

c) Metals

d) Oxides

Correct Option: (a)

Explanation: Some solid salts, metals, alloys, and oxides are examples of metallic conductors, whereas acids and bases are examples of electrolytes.

10) By passing the electric current through its solution, the process of decomposition of an electrolyte is called _____.

a) Hydrolysis

b) Neutralisation

c) Electrolysis

d) Electroplating

Correct Option: (c)

Explanation: By passing the electric current through its solution, the process of decomposition of an electrolyte is called electrolysis.

Practice Questions

1) What is an electrochemical cell?

2) What is electrolysis?

3) Define electroplating.

4) What do you mean by hydrolysis?

5) Define neutralisation.

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