Difference Between Motor and Generator

Difference Between Motor and Generator

Difference between motor and generator is probably the most common question from the topic ‘Electricity’ in physics. In this article, the main differences between electric motors and generators are given here. The difference between motors and generators given here is in tabular form for better understanding and clarity.

Before moving to the differences between a motor and a generator, it is important to know what they are. Their functions, structure, and other related details. To learn more about an electric motor and generator, visit the links given below.

Difference Between Motor and Generator

Sl. No.

Differentiating Property





An electric motor is a machine that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.

An electric generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.`



Electric motor follows Fleming’s left-hand rule.

Electric generator follows Fleming’s right-hand rule.



The working principle of a motor is based on the current-carrying conductor that experiences a force when it is kept in the magnetic field.

The working principle of the generator is based on electromagnetic induction.


Driving force for shaft

The shaft of an electric motor is driven by a magnetic force which is developed between the armature and field.

The shaft of an electric generator is connected to the rotor which is driven by a mechanical force.


Current Usage

In a motor, current is supplied to the armature winding.

In a generator, current is produced in the armature winding.



Ceiling fans, cars, etc. are all examples of motors.

In power stations, generators are used to generate electricity.

These were the main differences between a motor and a generator that can be asked in the exams. Students aspiring to learn engineering courses are required to get acquainted completely with the concepts of motors and generators. Check the articles given below to get additional information about generators and motors with their principles.

Related Articles:

Electromagnetic Induction

Faraday’s Law

Fleming’s Left-hand Rule And Right-hand Rule

Van de Graaff Generator – Working Principle

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


Define Electric Motor.

An electric motor is a machine that converts electrical energy to mechanical energy.

Define Electric Generator.

An electric generator is a machine that converts mechanical energy to electrical energy.

Which rule is followed by Electric Motor?

Electric motor follows Fleming’s left-hand rule.

Which rule is followed by the Electric Generator?

Electric motor follows Fleming’s right-hand rule.

What are the examples of Electric Motor?

Ceiling fans, cars, etc. are all examples of motors.

Keep visiting BYJU’S for more such physics articles and information.

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