Chemistry Practical Class 10 Observing The Action Of Zn, Fe, Cu and Al Metals On The Following Salt Solutions: ZnSO4, FeSO4, CuSO4, Al2(SO4)3 Viva Questions with Answers

Q1. What is the reactivity series of metals?

Answer: Reactivity series of metals signifies the arrangement of metals in decreasing order of their reactivity.

Q2. Which is the most reactive metal in the reactivity series?

Answer: Potassium (K) is the most reactive metal in the reactivity series.

Q3. Which is the least reactive metal in the reactivity series?

Answer: Platinum is the least reactive metal in the reactivity series.

Q4. The aqueous solution of which metal sulphates are colourless?

Answer: The aqueous solution of zinc sulphate and aluminium sulphate are colourless in nature.

Q5. What is the colour of the FeSO4 solution?

Answer: The FeSO4 solution is green in colour.

Q6. What is the colour of the CuSO4 solution?

Answer: The colour of Copper sulphate solution is blue in colour.

Q7. What happens when an aluminium strip is dipped in a zinc sulphate solution?

Answer: Al is more reactive than Zn. Zn accumulates on the surface of the Al strip.

Q8. What happens when an aluminium strip is dipped in a copper sulphate solution?

Answer: As Al is more reactive than copper the colour of the copper sulphate changes from blue to colourless. Cu accumulates on the surface of the Al strip.

Q9. What happens when an aluminium strip is dipped in a aluminium sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place.

Q10. What happens when an aluminium strip is dipped in an iron sulphate solution?

Answer: As Al is more reactive than Fe, the colour of FeSO4 changes from green to colourless. Fe metal accumulates on the Al strip.

Q11. What happens when a zinc strip is dipped in a zinc sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place.

Q12. What happens when a zinc strip is dipped in a copper sulphate solution?

Answer: As Zn is more reactive than Cu, copper sulphate solution changes from blue to colourless and reddish-brown copper metal deposits on zinc metal.

Q13. What happens when a zinc strip is dipped in a aluminium sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place as Zn is less reactive than Al.

Q14. What happens when a zinc strip is dipped in a ferrous sulphate solution?

Answer: The ferrous sulphate solution turns colourless and iron metal is deposited on zinc metal.

Q15. What happens when an iron strip is dipped in a aluminium sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place.

Q16. What happens when a iron strip is dipped in a copper sulphate solution?

Answer: The colour of copper sulphate solution changes from blue to light green. Copper metal is accumulated on the surface of the iron strip.

Q17. What happens when a iron strip is dipped in a ferrous sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place.

Q18. What happens when a copper strip is dipped in a copper sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place.

Q19. What happens when a copper strip is dipped in a zinc sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place.

Q20. What happens when a copper strip is dipped in a ferrous sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place.

Q21. What happens when a copper strip is dipped in an aluminium sulphate solution?

Answer: No reaction takes place.

Q22. Which is the most reactive metal among Al, Zn, Cu and Fe?

Answer: The most reactive metal is Al.

Q23. Which is the least reactive metal among Al, Zn, Cu and Fe?

Answer: The least reactive metal is Cu.

Q24. Which metals can be displaced by Aluminium?

Answer: Zinc, Copper and Iron can be displaced from their salt solutions by Aluminium.

Q25. Which metals can be displaced by Zinc?

Answer: Copper and Iron can be displaced from their salt solutions by Zinc.

Q26. Which metal can be displaced by iron?

Answer: Copper can be displaced from its salt solution by iron.

Q27. Which metal can be displaced by copper?

Answer: No metal can be displaced from its salt solution by copper as it is least reactive.

Q28. Arrange Al, Cu, Zn and Fe in their decreasing order of reactivity?

Answer: Al > Zn > Fe > Cu is the decreasing order of reactivity of metals.

Q29. What can be inferred from the reactivity series of metals?

Answer: The more reactive metal displaces the less reactive metal from its salt solution.

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