Chemistry Worksheets Class 7 on Chapter 16 Water a Precious Resource with Answers - Set 2

Water, after air, is one of the most important resources bestowed upon us. It is the foundation of all living organisms on Earth. Life would be unimaginable and impossible without water. This is the sole reason why finding traces or signs of water is a critical criterion for planetary exploration. Without water, life on Earth would most likely not have begun.

  • World water day is celebrated on 22nd March every year
  • Earth consists of 78% water, and the rest constitutes land
  • On average, water makes up 60% of your body; jellyfish make up over 95%.
  • Salt water makes up 97 % of all water on the planet.
  • Freshwater (drinkable/potable) accounts for 0.01 % of the available water.
  • Glaciers hold more than 69 % of freshwater.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 7 on Chapter 16 Water a Precious Resource with Answers - Set 2
Chemistry Worksheets Class 7 on Chapter 16 Water a Precious Resource with Answers - Set 2

CBSE Class 7 Chemistry Chapter 16 Water a Precious Resource Worksheet – Set 2

Q1. Which of the following sources cannot be used for drinking purposes?

a.) Sea water

b.) Glacier

c.) Ground Water

d.) Rainwater

Q2. The process by which the evaporated water returns to the Earth is ___.

a.) Condensation

b.) Sublimation

c.) Precipitation

d.) Runoff

Q3. Which of the following is an example of surface water?

a.) Oceans

b.) Lakes

c.) Rivers

d.) All of the above

Q4. In which of the following states does water exist?

a.) Solid

b.) Liquid

c.) Gas

d.) All of the above

Q5. The large well-like structure which was used in olden times for rainwater harvesting is called ___.

a.) Well

b.) Bawris

c.) Dams

d.) Reservoir

Q6. Fill in the blanks:

a.) There are ___ forms of water.

b.) The per cent of the total water on the Earth that is actually available for our use is ___.

c.) The process of changing water into its vapour/gaseous form is called ___.

Q7. State True or False.

a.) Plants release water through transpiration.

b.) 22nd May is celebrated as world water day.

c.) The only source of freshwater is rain.

Q8. Define precipitation.

Q9. What are the three forms of water?

Q10. What is water management?

Q11. Explain how planting trees help in the conservation of water.

Q12. Write a short note on groundwater.

Q13. Why is the water table lowering rapidly?

Q14. How are clouds formed?

Q15. Explain the importance of water for plants.

Q16. Write short notes on:

a.) Aquifer

b.) Drip irrigation

Q17. Explain the process of the water cycle.

Q18. Explain why the water cycle is important.

Q19. What is rainwater harvesting?

Q20. Explain some methods to conserve water.

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