Chemistry Worksheet Class 7 on Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline with Answers - Set 3

Soil, water, air, and living organisms interact in the forest. Forests keep soil from eroding, and soil aids in the growth and regeneration of forests. Forests are essential to the survival of forest-dwelling communities.

Forests are known as the earth’s lungs. They are the primary sources of oxygen, which is required by all living things. They also serve as one of the largest carbon sinks on land, absorbing massive amounts of CO2 and improving air quality.

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Chemistry Worksheet Class 7 on Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline with Answers - Set 3
Chemistry Worksheet Class 7 on Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline with Answers - Set 3

CBSE Class 7 Chemistry Worksheet Chapter 17 Forests: Our Lifeline – Set 3

Q1. A dynamic living entity is ______.

a.) Forests

b.) Oceans

c.) Animals

d.) None of the above

Q2. Forests help in ______.

a.) controlling floods

b.) conservation of soil

c.) controlling soil erosion

d.) All of the above

Q3. How much area is covered by forests?

a.) one-third

b.) one-fourth

c.) half

d.) All of the above

Q4. A food chain includes ______.

a.) producers and consumers

b.) producers, herbivores and consumers

c.) herbivores and carnivores

d.) None of the above

Q5. Which of the following is not a forest product?

a.) Gum

b.) sealing wax

c.) plywood

d.) kerosene

Q6. Fill in the blanks.

a.) The correct arrangement in the order from upper layers to lower layers in forests is trees, ____, ____, and vegetation.

b.) Plants are ___ in a food chain.

c.) If forests disappear, ____ gas will increase.

Q7. State true or false.

a.) Animals provide nutrients to plants.

b.) Forests act as the purifier of air and water.

c.) Micro-organisms acting on dead plants produce mushrooms.

Q8. Define Decomposers.

Q9. What is understorey?

Q10. What is the difference between a food chain and a food web?

Q11. How can you describe scavengers?

Q12. Why are plants called producers of a food chain?

Q13. Why are forests referred to as “green lungs”?

Q14. Explain different types of consumers.

Q15. Name the following.

a.) The branched part of a tree above the stem.

b.) The different horizontal layers created by different types and sizes of trees.

c.) The term used for cutting down trees on a large scale.

d.) The practice of planting trees to save the environment from the bad effects of deforestation.

e.) A term used to celebrate the planting of saplings on a large scale.

Q16. Differentiate between producers and consumers.

Q17. Explain the food chain.

Q18. Explain how forests can prevent floods.

Q19. Write down the destructive effect of the forest.

Q20. Why should forests be conserved? List some useful products we get from forests.

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