Chemistry Worksheets Class 8 on Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water with Answers - Set 3

Chemicals or particles in the air that can harm the health of humans, animals, and plants are examples of air pollution. It also causes structural damage. Pollutants in the air come in a variety of forms. They can take the form of gases, solid particles, or liquid droplets.

Water pollution occurs when harmful substances, typically chemicals or microorganisms, contaminate bodies of water, degrading water quality and making it toxic to humans or the environment. Chemicals, trash, bacteria, and parasites are all examples of pollutants. All types of pollution eventually end up in the water.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 8 on Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water with Answers - Set 3
Chemistry Worksheets Class 8 on Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water with Answers - Set 3

CBSE Class 8 Chemistry Chapter 18 Pollution of Air and Water Worksheet Worksheet – Set 3

Q1. Air and water pollution may be caused due to:

a.) Manmade sources only

b.) Natural resources only

c.) Both man-made and natural sources

d.) None of the above

Q2. Which of the following is a major source of water pollution?

a.) Industrial waste

b.) Untreated sewage

c.) Agricultural waste

d.) All of the above

Q3. The Taj Mahal is being affected due to:

a.) Acid rain

b.) Global warming

c.) Greenhouse effect

d.) None of the above

Q4. Out of the given option choose the one which is not a greenhouse gas.

a.) CO2

b.) SO2

c.) Methane

d.) Nitrogen

Q5. Carbon exists in the atmosphere in the form of:

a.) carbon monoxide only

b.) methane

c.) Carbon dioxide

d.) Coal

Q6. Fill in the blanks:

a.) The ozone layer protects the Earth from ____.

b.) Two diseases that spread through the drinking of contaminated water are ___ and ___.

c.) The Ganga action plan was launched in ___.

d.) Cutting down trees and plants in large numbers is known as ___.

e.) Two air pollutants that cause acid rain are ___ and ___.

Q7. State True or False.

a.) Boiling kills germs present in the water.

b.) Water that is unfit for drinking is called potable water.

c.) Carbon dioxide and methane are greenhouse gases.

d.) Distilled water contains some salt and minerals.

e.) Afforestation is an excellent method in the prevention of air pollution as well as water pollution.

Q8. What is water pollution?

Q9. What are the natural causes of air pollution?

Q10. List the causes and effects of global warming.

Q11. What are the respiratory disorders caused by air pollution?

Q12. How do industries cause water pollution?

Q13. What is smog? How is it formed and what are its harmful effects?

Q14. Explain why even clear, transparent and odourless water may not always be safe for drinking?

Q15. How do automobiles pollute the air?

Q16. State the main steps to prevent air pollution.

Q17. What are the diseases caused by water pollution?

Q18. What is potable water? Which factors decide the quality of potable water?

Q19. Discuss the harmful effects of air pollution.

Q20. How can you prevent water pollution?

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