Impact of Temperature Questions

Global temperature is on the rise. This has many effects on the Earth and its inhabitants. The Earth’s average temperature is rising and has many effects. Rising global temperatures have a large impact on how much kinetic energy the Earth has, and this can affect the climate. The increased kinetic energy of the Earth also has an effect on life, such as having a more frequent occurrence of extreme events like hurricanes and tornadoes.

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Important Impact of Temperature Questions with Answers

1. The measurable extent of hotness or coldness is known as _____.

  1. Mechanics
  2. Velocity
  3. Temperature
  4. Acceleration

Answer: c) Temperature

Explanation: The degree of hotness or coldness of the body defines the temperature of the body.

2. _____ gases are trapping more heat in the Earth’s atmosphere.

  1. Bluehouse
  2. Greenhouse
  3. Redhouse
  4. Yellowhouse

Answer: b) Greenhouse

Explanation: The greenhouse effect causes warming of Earth’s surface and troposphere.

3. The ______ of a substance is due to the constant motion of atoms.

  1. Mechanical energy
  2. Solar energy
  3. Kinetic energy
  4. Potential energy

Answer: c) Kinetic energy

Explanation: The constant motion of atoms gives rise to kinetic energy in a substance.

4. The flow of heat generally takes place from _____.

  1. A low-temperature region to a high-temperature region
  2. A high-temperature region to a low-temperature region

Answer: b) A high-temperature region to a low-temperature region

Explanation: Heat flows from a high-temperature region to a low-temperature region.

5. Which among the following is temperature measuring equipment?

  1. Galvanometer
  2. Voltameter
  3. Thermometer
  4. Telescope

Answer: c) Thermometer

Explanation: A thermometer is a device that measures the temperature of the human body.

6. Temperature is measured in ______.

  1. Kelvin (K)
  2. Fahrenheit (˚F)
  3. Celsius (˚C)
  4. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Explanation: Different units of temperature are Celsius (˚C), Kelvin (K), and Fahrenheit (˚F).

7. The rise in temperature causes ______.

  1. Frequent heat waves
  2. Extreme weather
  3. The rise in sea level
  4. All of the above

Answer: d) All of the above

Explanation: The rise in temperature leads to global warming and is responsible for all these occurrences.

8. Temperature is the mathematical representation of _____.

  1. Velocity
  2. Wind
  3. Heat
  4. Motion

Answer: c) Heat

Explanation: Temperature is the mathematical representation of heat in a body/object.

9. When the temperature rises, the liquid viscosity _____.

  1. Increases
  2. Remains same
  3. Becomes zero
  4. Decreases

Answer: d) Decreases

Explanation: When the temperature rises, cohesive forces decrease, and hence the viscosity of the liquid also decreases.

10. Choose the correct answer: The melting of ice in glaciers is due to a rise in temperature.

  1. YES
  2. NO

Answer: a) YES

Explanation: The melting of ice in glaciers is one of the impacts of temperature on weather and climate.

Practice Questions

  1. What is meant by the term thermal expansion?
  2. Explain the relationship between temperature and kinetic energy.
  3. What is thermodynamics?
  4. Explain the rising temperature and its effects.
  5. What is the SI unit of temperature?

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Temperature formula