Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 2

A biomolecule is a term used to describe molecules found in organisms that are required for one or more biological processes such as cell division, morphogenesis, or development. Large macromolecules such as proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, and nucleic acids are examples of biomolecules, as are small molecules such as primary metabolites, secondary metabolites, and natural products. Biomolecules are an important component of living organisms. Endogenous biomolecules are produced within the organisms, but organisms usually require exogenous biomolecules, such as certain nutrients, to survive.

Most biomolecules are organic compounds, and the human body is composed of only four elements: oxygen, carbon, hydrogen, and nitrogen.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 2
Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 2
Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 2

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Worksheet Chapter 14 Biomolecules – Set 2

Q1. Which of the following is a polysaccharide?

a.) Cellulose

b.) Sucrose

c.) Galactose

d.) Maltose

Q2. The sequence in which amino acids are arranged in a protein is called-

a.) primary structure

b.) secondary structure

c.) tertiary structure

d.) tetrahedral structure

Q3. The chemical messengers produced in ductless glands are called:

a.) Lipids

b.) Cellular membrane

c.) Hormones

d.) Antibodies

Q4. Enzymes are regarded as-

a.) Biocatalysts

b.) Activators

c.) Messengers

d.) Antibodies

Q5. Mutation in DNA occurs due to changes in the sequence of:

a.) nitrogeneous base

b.) ribose units

c.) phosphate units

d.) hydrogen bonds

Q6. What are the polysaccharides that makeup starch and what is the difference between them?

Q7. Draw open-chain structures of an aldopentose and an aldohexose. Predict the number of asymmetric carbon atoms present in each.

Q8. Amino acids behave like salts rather than simple amines or carboxylic acid. Explain.

Q9. During the curdling of milk, what happens to the sugar present in it?

Q10. Under what conditions glucose is converted to gluconic and saccharic acid?

Q11. Which moieties of nucleosides are involved in the formation of phosphodiester linkages present in dinucleotides? What does the word diester in the name of linkage indicate? Which acid is involved in the formation of this linkage?

Q12. a.) What are essential and non-essential amino acids?

b.) Give the chemical name of Vitamin-A.

c.) Name the enzyme which converts glucose into ethanol.

Q13. Name two components of starch. How do they differ from each other structurally?

Q14. a.) Explain zwitter ion with an example.

b.) Write the chemical name of vitamin C and name the disease caused by the deficiency of vitamin C.

Q15. Differentiate between DNA and RNA.

Q16. What is meant by the secondary structure of proteins?


a.) Answer the following questions briefly:

i.) What are reducing sugars?

ii.) What is meant by the denaturation of a protein?

iii.) How is oxygen replenished in our atmosphere?

b.) Define enzymes.

Q18. How are vitamins classified? Mention the chief sources of vitamin A and C.

Q19. Define the following with an example of each:

a.) Polysaccharides

b.) Denatured protein

c.) Essential amino acids

Q20. a.) Name the three major classes of carbohydrates and give an example of each of these classes.

b.) Answer the following:

i.) What type of linkage is responsible for the primary structures of proteins?

ii.) Name the location where protein synthesis occurs in our body.

c.) Explain the following terms:

i.) Mutarotation

ii.) Avitaminosis

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