Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 3

Biomolecules are the most important organic molecules in the maintenance and metabolic processes of living organisms. These non-living molecules are the actual foot soldiers in the battle for life’s sustenance. Small molecules such as primary and secondary metabolites and hormones are examples, as are large macromolecules such as proteins, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, lipids, and so on.

Carbohydrates, Proteins, Nucleic Acids, and Lipids are the four major classes of Biomolecules.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 3
Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 3
Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 14 Biomolecules with Answers - Set 3

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Worksheet Chapter 14 Biomolecules – Set 3

Q1. Glucose and fructose are:

a.) structural isomers

b.) functional isomers

c.) anomers

d.) geometrical isomers

Q2. Invert sugar is a mixture of-

a.) glucose and fructose

b.) glucose and lactose

c.) glucose and maltase

d.) only glucose

Q3. The bond that determines the secondary structure of protein is:

a.) Covalent bond

b.) Sulphur linkage

c.) Hydrogen Bond

d.) Ionic bond

Q4. The chemical messengers produced in ductless glands are called:

a.) Lipids

b.) Cellular membrane

c.) Hormones

d.) Antibodies

Q5. The only vitamin with metal atom in it is-

a.) Vitamin A

b.) Vitamin K

c.) Vitamin B12

d.) Vitamin E

Q6. Write a reaction which shows that all the carbon atoms in glucose are linked in a straight chain.

Q7. Define peptide linkage.

Q8. Name the four bases present in DNA. Which one of these is not present in RNA?

Q9. Where does the water present in the egg go after boiling the egg?

Q10. A DNA molecule with more number of GC base pairs than AT base pairs has higher Tm than the one with lesser number of GC base pairs than AT base pairs. Explain why?


i.) Which reaction of glucose can only be explained by its cyclic structure?

ii.) What are the expected products of hydrolysis of

a.) Sucrose, b.) Lactose

Q12. i.) Why vitamin C cannot be stored in our body?

ii.) The melting points and solubility in water of amino acids are generally higher than that of corresponding haloacids. Explain.

Q13. Protein found in a biological system with a unique three-dimensional structure and biological activity is called a native protein. When a protein in its native form, is subjected to a physical change like change in temperature or a chemical change like, change in pH, denaturation of protein takes place. Explain the cause.

Q14. How will you distinguish 1° and 2° hydroxyl groups present in glucose? Explain with reactions.


i.) What are two good sources of Vitamin A?

ii.) Give an example of simple lipids.

iii.) Write the name of the vitamin responsible for the coagulation of blood.

Q16. Distinguish between:

i.) a globular and fibrous protein

ii.) Primary and secondary structure of protein

iii.) Nucleoside and nucleotide

Q17. Define the following:

i.) Invert sugars

ii.) Renaturation

iii.) Oligosaccharides

Q18. How do you explain the amphoteric behaviour of amino acids?

ii.) What is the effect of denaturation on the structure of proteins?

Q19. Enumerate the reactions of D-glucose which cannot be explained by its open structure?

Q20. i.) What is animal starch? Where is it found?

ii.) How are carbohydrates classified?

iii.) What do you understand by the mechanism of enzyme action?

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