Difference between Gas and Liquid

Matter exists in four forms viz. Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Liquid molecules have a definite volume but do not have a definite shape. It is impossible to store them without a container. Their molecular attraction is medium and shows Brownian molecular motion. Liquid always flows from a higher level to a lower level.

Gas molecules have no definite volume and shape. To store gas molecules, it is required to have a closed container. Their molecular attraction is minimum when compared to liquid and solid molecules. These molecules flow in all directions and show a constant, random, and free molecular motion. The table below gives the Difference Between Liquid And Gas.

Difference Between Gas And Liquid

Comparison basis Gas Liquid
Define In spite of gravity and regardless of the amount of substance present, gas is a sample of matter that takes the shape of the container in which it is kept and develops a uniform density inside the container. A liquid is a sample of the substance that takes the shape of the container it is stored in and develops a defined surface when gravity is present.
Energy Highest Medium
Molecular arrangements Random but more sparsely arranged Random but little sparsely arranged
Motion of molecules Free, random and constant Brownian
Molecular attraction Minimum Medium
Storage facility Needs a closed container to store. Needs a container to store.
Shape No fixed shape or volume. No fixed shape but has volume.
Compressibility Easy Nearly difficult
Fluidity Flows in all directions. Always flows from higher to lower level.
Intermolecular space Large More
Speed of sound Lowest among solids and liquids. Slower than solid but faster than gas.

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