Matter exists in four forms viz. Solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. Liquid molecules have a definite volume but do not have a definite shape. It is impossible to store them without a container. Their molecular attraction is medium and shows Brownian molecular motion. Liquid always flows from a higher level to a lower level.
Gas molecules have no definite volume and shape. To store gas molecules, it is required to have a closed container. Their molecular attraction is minimum when compared to liquid and solid molecules. These molecules flow in all directions and show a constant, random, and free molecular motion. The table below gives the Difference Between Liquid And Gas.
Difference Between Gas And Liquid
Comparison basis | Gas | Liquid |
Define | In spite of gravity and regardless of the amount of substance present, gas is a sample of matter that takes the shape of the container in which it is kept and develops a uniform density inside the container. | A liquid is a sample of the substance that takes the shape of the container it is stored in and develops a defined surface when gravity is present. |
Energy | Highest | Medium |
Molecular arrangements | Random but more sparsely arranged | Random but little sparsely arranged |
Motion of molecules | Free, random and constant | Brownian |
Molecular attraction | Minimum | Medium |
Storage facility | Needs a closed container to store. | Needs a container to store. |
Shape | No fixed shape or volume. | No fixed shape but has volume. |
Compressibility | Easy | Nearly difficult |
Fluidity | Flows in all directions. | Always flows from higher to lower level. |
Intermolecular space | Large | More |
Speed of sound | Lowest among solids and liquids. | Slower than solid but faster than gas. |
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Some important links:
Change States | Three States Of Matter |
Gas | Matter Solid Liquid Gas |