Albert Einstein Questions

Albert Einstein is one of the greatest physicists of all time. He was born on 14 March 1879 at Ulm, in Württemberg, Germany.

Einstein is most famous for constructing the Special Theory of Relativity and General Theory of Relativity. He also contributed to the development of quantum mechanics. He derived the formula E = mc2 (mass-energy equivalence). He was awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics (1921) for his outstanding contributions to theoretical physics and particularly for the explanation of the photoelectric effect (a breakthrough in the development of quantum theory).

Albert Einstein received many honorary doctorate degrees in science, philosophy and medicine from numerous American and European universities. He was awarded fellowships of the most prestigious scientific academies all over the world. He gave many lectures in America, Europe and the Far East.

Albert Einstein’s Important Works

Albert Einstein’s works are well documented. His most important works include Special Theory of Relativity, General Theory of Relativity, Investigations on the Theory of Brownian Movement, and The Evolution of Physics. His important non-scientific works are About Zionism, Why War?, My Philosophy, and Out of My Later Years.

Read More: Albert Einstein,

The basic laws of gravitation explain almost anything in the world, from how an apple falls from a tree to why the moon revolves around the earth. Watch the video and understand the universal law of gravitation in detail.

Important Albert Einstein Questions with Answers

1) When was Albert Einstein born?

He was born at Ulm on 14 March 1879, in Württemberg, Germany.

2) What are the two most famous theories of Albert Einstein?

The Special Theory of Relativity and General Theory of Relativity are the two most famous theories of Albert Einstein. He derived the formula E = mc2 (mass-energy equivalence), considered “the most widely known equation”. He also contributed to the development of quantum mechanics.

3) What is the Special Theory of Relativity?

The Special Theory of Relativity predicted that, when calculated in the frame of a relatively moving observer, a clock on a moving body will slow down and the body itself will appear contracted in the direction of motion.

Mass energy equivalence equation E = mc2 was derived from the special theory of relativity. It states that mass and energy are the different forms of the same entity; they are interchangeable. In other words, any matter can be converted to energy by using suitable methods. This formula laid the foundation for the development of atom bombs or nuclear energy.

4) What is the General Theory of Relativity?

According to general relativity, the detected gravitational attraction among celestial bodies results from those bodies’ warping of time and space. General relativity has become a vital tool in modern astrophysics. It lays out the base for the present understanding of a black hole, a region of space where gravity is so strong that not even normal light can escape.

5) What is the reason for developing the General Theory of Relativity?

Einstein said that the reason for the construction of general relativity was the choice of inertial movements within special relativity was not enough; on the other hand, a theory that has no such particular state of motion should be more satisfactory. In 1907, Einstein released an article on acceleration under special relativity. In that article, he proposed that free fall is fundamentally an inertial motion. Rules of special relativity must apply to free-falling observers. This principle is called the equivalence principle. In the same article, he predicted gravitational time dilation, light deflection, and gravitational redshift.

6) Who tried to revise the Special Theory of Relativity in geometric parameters as a theory of space-time?

Hermann Minkowski tried to revise the Special Theory of Relativity in geometric parameters as a theory of space-time. In 1915, Einstein adopted Minkowski geometry in the general theory of relativity.

7) When did Albert Einstein receive the Nobel Prize?

Albert Einstein received the Nobel Prize in 1921 for his outstanding contributions to theoretical physics, and particularly for the explanation of the photoelectric effect.

8) What is the mass-energy equivalence relation?

The mass-energy equivalence shows the inert connection between mass and energy. The two values vary only by a constant and the measurement unit. The formula is E=mc2, where m is the mass of the body and c is the speed of the body. It states that mass and energy are different forms of the same entity; they are interchangeable. In other words, any matter can be converted to energy by using suitable methods. This formula laid the foundation for the development of atom bombs or nuclear energy.

9) Which theory predicted the existence of black holes?

General Theory of Relativity predicted the existence of black holes. It laid the foundation for the present understanding of black holes, a region of space where gravity is so strong that not even normal light can escape.

10) What is the Photoelectric effect?

Photoelectric effect is the process where electrically charged particles are generated from or within a body when it takes in electromagnetic radiation. The effect is generally defined as the emission of electrons from a metal surface when light falls on it.

11) Which theory predicted the existence of gravitational waves?

General Theory of Relativity predicts the existence of gravitational waves.

12) What is time dilation?

In relativity, time dilation is the variation in the elapsed time as calculated by two clocks. It is due to the velocity difference between the two clocks or the variation in their location’s gravitational potential. In usual scenarios, time dilation refers to the effect caused by relative velocities.

13) What are the important works of Albert Einstein?

Albert Einstein’s works are well documented. His most important works include Special Theory of Relativity, General Theory of Relativity, Investigations on the Theory of Brownian Movement, and The Evolution of Physics. His important non-scientific works are About Zionism, Why War?, My Philosophy, and Out of My Later Years.

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Practice Questions

1) What is Bose-Einstein condensate?

2) What is the difference between the Special Theory of Relativity and the General Theory of Relativity?

3) Explain the working of gravity in the General Theory of Relativity.

4) Why can’t we see black holes through normal telescopes?

5) What is the Planck-Einstein relation?

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