Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 11 The p-Block Elements with Answers - Set 3

There are six groups of p-block elements in the periodic table, ranging from 13 to 18, having the electronic configuration of ns2np1-6. It contains metalloids, non-metals, and all other kinds of elements. The change in their electronic configuration’s inner core significantly impacts their chemical and physical characteristics.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 11 The p Block Elements Set 3
Chemistry Worksheets Class 11 on Chapter 11 The p Block Elements Set 3

CBSE Class 11 Chemistry Chapter 11 The p-Block Elements – Set 3

Q-1: Which polymorph of carbon acts as the hardest allotrope?

a) Diamond

b) Graphite

c) Fullerene

d) All of the above

Q-2: SiC is popular with the name

a) Methanide

b) Acetylide

c) Plumbago

d) Carborundum

Q-3: Which one of the following elements forms a double or triple bond involving p𝜋-p𝜋 bonding?

a) Silicon

b) Carbon

c) Tin

d) Germanium

Q-4: Silicones are compounds with

a) Water repelling nature

b) High thermal stability

c) High dielectric strength

d) All of the above

Q-5: On strong heating, boric acid yields

a) B

b) B2H6

c) BO2

d) B2O3

Q-6: i) Why does [SiCl6] cannot exist?

ii) SiO2 is solid, while CO2 is gas. Why?

Q-7: Burning magnesium continues to burn while burning sulphur gets extinguished when dropped into a jar of nitric oxide. Explain.

Q-8: What is water gas? How is it prepared?

Q-9: a) What do you mean by allotropes?

b) How many allotropes of carbon are there?

c) Write about fullerene in short.

Q-10: Why is graphite preferred over grease as a lubricating agent?

Q-11: What is the percentage of sulphur in ultramarine?

Q-12: Why tetrahalides other than carbon can increase their coordination number?


a) Give any three uses of zeolites.

b) Give one use of dry ice.

Q-14: Which oxide of carbon is an anhydride of carbonic acid?

Q-15: Give chemical reactivity of the carbon family towards the water.

Q-16: Draw a basic structural unit of silicates and name two man-made silicates.

Q-17: a) How does CO2 help maintain blood pH?

b) Give a reason for its use in fire extinguishers.

Q-18: Why do atomic radii of gallium less than aluminium?

Q-19: a) Name an oxide of the boron family which has amphoteric nature.

b) What is the group oxidation state of the boron family?

Q-20: An ionic compound B is created when element A burns in nitrogen. B reacts with water to produce C and D. On bubbling carbon dioxide, a C solution turns milky. Identify A, B, C, and D.

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