Chemistry Worksheet Class 6 on Chapter 6 Changes Around Us with Answers - Set 1

Changes can either be reversible or irreversible.

An irreversible change is permanent and cannot be reversed by physical or chemical means. This change involves the formation of new substances. For example, burning a candle is an irreversible change because we cannot recover the candle once it has been consumed.

Reversible change is defined as change that can be undone using one or more methods. Usually, the physical properties, shape, and size of the material change. A new substance is rarely formed in a reversible change. For example, paper folding, spring elongation, and so on.

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Chemistry Worksheet Class 6 on Chapter 6 Changes Around Us with Answers - Set 1
Chemistry Worksheet Class 6 on Chapter 6 Changes Around Us with Answers - Set 1

CBSE Class 6 Chemistry Worksheet Chapter 6 Changes Around Us – Set 1

Q1. Which of the following is a reversible change?

a.) Formation of curd.

b.) Ripening of fruits.

c.) Evaporation.

d.) None of the above.

Q2. Irreversible changes are-

a.) Permanent

b.) Temporary

c.) Physical

d.) Chemical

Q3. Water may change to-

a.) Ice

b.) Water vapour

c.) Both (a.) and (b.)

d.) None of the above

Q4. Fill in the blanks.

a.) The changes that can be reversed are called ____.

b.) On heating, the metals ____.

c.) Water changes into ___ due to heating.

Q5. State True or False.

a.) Ripening of fruits is a reversible change.

b.) The burning of candles is an irreversible change.

c.) Dissolving salt in water is a reversible change.

Q6. Define Evaporation.

Q7. Define fast and slow changes.

Q8. Explain why most physical changes are reversible.

Q9. What are the different forms of changes that can be noticed?

Q10. What do you mean by reversible change? Give examples.

Q11. Differentiate between physical and chemical change.

Q12. Can we say that the state change is a reversible change?

Q13. How is the process of dissolving salt in water reversible?

Q14. What kind of changes are expansion and contraction?

Q15. Explain the process of fixing a metal rim on a wooden wheel of a cart.

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