Zinc Blende Structure

What is the Zinc Blende structure?

Zinc Blende is the name given to the mineral Zinc Sulphide. Zinc Sulphide is an inorganic compound with the chemical formula of ZnS. 

Zinc Sulphide is an ionic compound of AB type, i.e it has a ratio of 1:1 between cation and anions. Zinc sulphide has two crystalline forms namely. Zinc Blende and Wurtzite. The more stable cubic form is known as zinc blende.  The hexagonal form is known as the mineral Wurtzite, although it also can be produced synthetically. In both the structures, stoichiometry is maintained i.e, 1:1 ratio between Zn and S atoms. The difference between these two polymorphs arises due to the different arrangement of ions in their structure.

Table of Contents

Structure of Zinc Blende

Arrangement of ions in zinc blende unit cell

  • In the Zinc Blende structure, the ions are arranged in CCP(Cubic Close Packing) manner. In the CCP arrangement, there are 8 tetrahedral voids and 4 octahedral voids present.
  • The S2- ions are present in FCC (Face Centered Cubic) arrangement. i.e The S2-  ions are present at the corner of the cube and at the centre of each face.
  • The Zn2+ ions are present in the alternative tetrahedral void. 
  • Each Zn2+ ion is surrounded tetrahedrally by four S2- ions and each S2- ion is surrounded tetrahedrally by four Zn2+ ions. Thus the structure has 4:4 coordination.
  • The radius ratio of ZnS is  rZn2+ /rS2- =  74/184 = 0.4


Calculate the number of atoms present in the zinc blende unit cell

In the unit cell of Zinc blend (ZnS) structure, numbers of Zn2+ and S2- ions are calculated as:

(a) Number of Zn2+ ions present in alternative tetrahedral voids = 4 (present at the body centres) =4

(b) Sulphide (S2-) present in fcc manner, 

8 S2 ions present at the corners of the unit cell contribute each = 8 × ⅛ = 1

6 S2- ions present at the centre of the face contribute ½ each = 6 × ½  = 3

So the total number of S2- ions present in the unit cell = 1+3 =4

Calculate the packing fraction of zinc blende structure

The packing fraction of the zinc blende structure can be calculated as follows

In the fcc unit cell,  4r = ✓2 a

Packing fraction (Φ) :

\(\begin{array}{l} \phi = 4 \times \frac{4}{3}\pi \frac{r_{+}^{3} + r_{-}^{3}}{a^{3}} = \frac{\pi }{3\sqrt{2}}\left [ \left ( \frac{r_{+}}{r_{-}} \right )^{3} + 1\right ]\end{array} \)

Wurtzite structure of Zinc Sulphide

  • This structure is different from the Zinc Blende Structure.
  • In the Wurtzite structure, the sulphide ion is arranged in the hcp (hexagonal close-packed) structure. 
  • The Zn2+ ions occupy half of the tetrahedral voids.
  • This structure has a 4: 4 coordination number.
  • No. of Zn+2 ions per unit cell = {4 (within the unit cell) × 1} + {6 (at edge centres) × 1/3} = 6
  • No. of S-2 ions per unit cell = {12 (at corners) ×1/6} + {2 (at face centres) × ½ } + {3 (within the unit cell) ×1} = 6
  • Thus, there are 6 formula units per unit cell.

Frequently Asked Questions-FAQs


1. Which structure does zinc blende have?

In the zinc blend structure, the sulphur ions form an fcc structure and the zinc ions occupy half of the tetrahedral sites in this structure to attain charge neutrality.


2. What type of unit cell is ZnS?

Zinc sulfide (ZnS) is a unique compound that forms two types of crystalline structures. Zinc Sulphide is an ionic compound of AB type, i.e it contains two ions of ratio 1:1. Zinc sulphide has two types of structure. Namely zinc blende and wurtzite. Wurtzite has a hexagonal structure, while zincblende is cubic


3. What is the Valency of zinc?

The valency of zinc is 2.


4. What is the formula of zinc sulphate?

The formula of zinc sulphate is ZnSO4.


5. What is the difference between zinc blende and wurtzite?

Zinc blende and wurtzite are two forms of zinc sulfide. However, the key difference between zinc blende and wurtzite is that zinc blend is cubic, whereas wurtzite has a hexagonal structure.


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