Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday life with Answers - Set 5

Our existence is entirely dependent on chemistry. When we wake up in the morning, we need toothpaste and a toothbrush to clean our teeth; they are made of specific chemicals. When we eat, chemical reactions begin in our bodies as soon as we swallow the first bite. Because we know that atoms make up all matter, chemistry is the study of everything around us.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday life with Answers - Set 5
Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday life with Answers - Set 5
Chemistry Worksheets Class 12 on Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday life with Answers - Set 5

CBSE Class 12 Chemistry Chapter 16 Chemistry in Everyday life Worksheet – Set 5

Q-1: Which of the following compounds has hypnotic properties?

  1. Acetaldehyde
  2. Benzaldehyde
  3. Paraldehyde
  4. Metaldehyde

Q-2: Which of the following statements is/are NOT correct?

  1. A bactericidal antibiotic is aminoglycoside.
  2. Prontosil is not converted in the body to sulphanilamide.
  3. Ofloxacin is an antibiotic with a broad spectrum of action.
  4. The spectrum of penicillin G is narrow..

Q-3: Why are metal hydroxides superior to metal hydrogen carbonates as antacids?.

Q-4: What function do fillers play in soaps and detergents?

Q-5: What is the primary application of Tofranil?

Q-6: Cetyltrimethylammonium bromide is present in

  1. Medicines
  2. Hair conditioners
  3. Hair colours
  4. Face wash

Q-7: The aromatic nucleus of chloramphenicol antibiotic is attached to

  1. Nitro group
  2. Alcoholic group
  3. Halide
  4. Methoxy group

Q-8: Among the following, a psychedelic agent is

  1. DDT
  2. LSD
  3. PETN
  4. RDX

Q-9: What do you mean by placebo effect?

Q-10:The group that is typically found at the end of detergent is

  1. Amide
  2. Nitro
  3. Sodium sulfonate
  4. Ester

Q-11: Match the column I with column II


Q-12: What is false about drug classification based on chemical structure?

  1. Drugs classified on this basis have structural similarities.
  2. They share pharmacological effects.
  3. Sulphonamides share the structural characteristics shown below. Sulphonamides
  4. None of the above

Q-13: What is the benefit of using antihistamines instead of antacids to treat acidity?


i) What drug class is Dimetapp?

ii) If the water contains dissolved magnesium and calcium ions, which soaps and synthetic detergents will you use to clean your clothes?

iii) Which of the following is a disinfectant? 0.2 percent phenol or 1% phenol

Q-15: From the following examples: ciprofloxacin, heroin, amytal, Zantac

Choose the drug used for

i) treating allergic conditions

ii) to obtain pain relief

Q-16: Which type of detergent is used to formulate a toilet cleaner? Explain.

Q-17: Give the names of the medications used to treat the following diseases.

  1. Typhoid
  2. Join pain
  3. Hypertension

Q-18: Choose the odd one out of the following based on its medicinal properties. Give an appropriate reason:

i) Luminal, seconal, terfenadine, and equanil

(ii) Chloroxylenol, phenol, chloramphenicol, and bithional

iii) Sucralose, aspartame, alitame, and sodium benzoate

Q-19: Write the structures of sodium soaps obtained by the hydrolysis of the following fats :

i) (C15H31COO)3 C3H5 Glyceryl palmitate

ii) (C17H33COO)3 C3H5 Glyceryl oleate

Q-20: Harish was suffering from a headache. Harish’s friend Vikram noticed that he had a fever. He advised him to take two oflaxin 200 mg tablets, but her sister advised her brother to see a family doctor.

  1. Is it safe to take medicine on the advice of a friend?
  2. Write down the values displayed by his sister.
  3. The doctor advised Harish to take paracetamol for three days after eating and to rest. Is this an antibiotic or an antipyretic?

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