Chemistry Worksheets Class 8 on Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum with Answers - Set 1

For our fundamental needs, we use a variety of materials. Some of them are created by humans, while others are found in the natural world. It consists of minerals, coal, oil, water, soil, and air. All of these are considered natural resources because they were derived from the natural world.

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Chemistry Worksheets Class 8 on Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum with Answers - Set 1
Chemistry Worksheets Class 8 on Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum with Answers - Set 1
Chemistry Worksheets Class 8 on Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum with Answers - Set 1

CBSE Class 8 Chemistry Chapter 5 Coal and Petroleum – Set 1

Q-1: Is it possible to create coal, petroleum, and natural gas in the laboratory using dead organisms?

Q-2: Identify the following:

a) A reserve for natural gas.

b) A place where a network of pipelines is found for CNG supply.

c) A substance that is used in the manufacture of acrylic.

d) A gas used in the manufacture of urea.

e) A useful coal product that was used for street lighting in London in 1810.

Q-3: Which association advises people to save petrol while driving?

a) Petroleum Conservation Research Association

b) Petroleum Preservation Research Association

c) Petroleum Research Association

d) Petroleum Conservation Association

Q-4: Which of the following is not an inexhaustible natural resource?

a) Minerals

b) Tides

c) Water

d) Geothermal Energy

Q-5: The petroleum oil and gas layer is above the water layer. Why is this the case?

Q-6: Petroleum is derived from two words. One of the words is “petra,” which means ______.

a) Stone

b) Rock

c) Pet

d) Gold

Q-7: Write true or false for each of the following. If the statement is false, give reasons why.

a) Lubricating oil is used for making ointments.

b) CNG cannot be used directly for burning in homes.

c) Naphthalene balls are used to attract moths and other insects.

d) Coal tar is a mixture of about 200 substances.

e) Coal burns and produces mainly CO2 gas.

Q-8: Why are petrochemicals so crucial? Give the names of two petrochemicals.

Q-9: We estimate that the lifespan of fossil fuels is only a few hundred years. Comment.

Q-10: Match Column I with Column II.

Column I Column II
A) Fuel for home and industry i) Kerosene
B) Fuel for Jet crafts ii) Liquified Petroleum Gas
C) Gas used for the production of fertilisers. iii) Diesel
D) Fuel for cars iv) Hydrogen Gas
E) Fuel for electric generators v) Petrol

Q-11: Petroleum is considered to be a fossil fuel because _____.

a) Their nitrogen and oxygen content came from prehistoric periods.

b) There are many fossils in the rocks that make up coal beds and oil reservoirs.

c) The carbon dioxide they produce during combustion adds to the greenhouse impact.

d) The ancient sunshine was the source of their vitality.

Q-12: What are the benefits of utilising LPG as fuel?

Q-13: Which of the following natural resources is used for obtaining diesel?

a) Coal

b) Natural gas

c) Petroleum

d) None of the above

Q-14: Give one word for the following:

a) A cleaner fuel for transport vehicles.

b) A unit where different fractions of petroleum are separated.

c) A limitless natural resource.

d) A coal product used as a source of heat.

Q-15: Coal gas is produced during the conversion of coal to _________.

a) Coal tar

b) Coke

c) Bitumen

d) Diesel

Q-16: How does coal form, and where does it come from?

Q-17: List the goods that are produced, beginning with coal tar, and are used in daily life.

Q-18: In which of the following Indian states can oil be found?

a) Mumbai High

b) Assam

c) Gujarat

d) All of the above

Q-19: Which form of coal is the purest form of carbon? State its uses and characteristics.

Q-20: Why is natural gas regarded as a significant fossil fuel?

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