Water Management & Water Conservation Methods


The activity of movement and control of water resources to minimize the damage to property and life and also to maximize the efficient beneficial use is known as water management. If the management of water is good in dams and levees it reduces the risk of harm caused due to flooding.

Planning, developing, and managing water resources in terms of both water quantity and quality across all water applications is known as water resources management (WRM). It consists of organisations, facilities, financial aid programmes, and information systems that support and direct water management. In order to maintain clean, pure water while also safeguarding the ecosystem, water conservation is essential. Everyone relies on clean, unpolluted water for living, so we must learn how to preserve its finite supply. Water management is important since it influences what can be expected from irrigation in the future. Water management is the control of water resources according to established rules and guidelines. Due to droughts and overuse, water, once a plentiful natural resource, is becoming a more valuable commodity.

Table of Contents

Water Management

Water Management

Water management is a process of developing, optimizing and planning of water resources via many practices which are defined by many policies and regulations. With the increase in the population which has been doubled to over 6 billion people from 1900, the use of water has popped up to 600%. According to the statistics, the health of people is threatened by inadequate access to clean water for drinking and sanitation.

Water Management

Water Conservation Methods

With a well-planned system, water is supplied to many places regularly in a city. This is generally planned by civic authorities in a city. But many times we observe that some amount of water is wasted through leakage of pipe and many other reasons. As we know that proper water management is necessary for the conservation of water. Thus, it is important for civic authorities to take care of these issues while supplying water to our homes.

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We usually observe that most of the rainwater gets wasted although it is one of the most precious natural resources. This rainwater can be used to recharge the groundwater levels by a technique known as rainwater harvesting. Farmers can play an important role in water management by using a water conservation method for irrigation known as drip irrigation. In this technique, plants are watered using narrow tubes and this water is directly delivered at the base of the plant.

Drip irrigation - Water Management

We can also play an important role in minimizing the wastage of the water we use. Some of those habits can be turning off the taps while brushing,  mopping the floor instead of washing. A little water conservation methods that can be practised by individuals to reduce the wastage of water are provided below.

  • Installing flow-restricting shower heads to save water during showers.
  • Taking bucket-baths instead of showers.
  • Turning off the tap while shaving or brushing teeth.
  • Immediately fixing any leaking taps and pipes in our homes.
  • Practising rainwater harvesting to reduce the wastage of rainwater.

Water Conservation Methods

One of the oldest sites of the Indus Valley civilization, Dholavira in the state of Gujarat has well-documented lake-shaped storage reservoirs to store surface water during the rainy season.

Burhanpur, Madhya Pradesh, hosts the unique and elaborate network of well-connected water drainage and storage systems. Today the place is not so popular and is a must-visit for any hydrology student. Every fort which survives today has well-organized storage systems. This was important since forts were built to provide supplies during long-drawn wars where movement outside was constrained.

The Indian practice of cleaning water using brass vessels is well known and continues until today. Even today having water filter systems made from brass is not unusual. Older people in India use brass pots in the evening to store water and drink it during daytime.

While many technological devices are being developed to minimize water wastage, the impact will be greater if each individual contributes to water conservation by minimizing or optimizing the use of groundwater for daily work. Today, water conservation is becoming extremely critical at an individual level.

Each year our water supplies are depleting. Therefore, we can not produce artificial water and must be reliant on the available water sources on our planet earth. Water shortage is felt all over the world due to population growth and the unsustainable need for water to suit our ever-expanding modern lifestyle. It has given rise to substantial concerns about water conservation.

Types of Water Management

Water resource management traditionally involves managing water storage and water flows. Clients will need to invest in institutional reinforcement, information management, and (natural and man-made) infrastructure development to enhance water security against this backdrop of rising demand, water scarcity, growing uncertainty, greater extremes, and fragmentation challenges.

Information systems are needed for resource management, uncertain decision taking, system analysis and hydro-meteorological forecasting and warning. Investments in advanced technology to improve efficiency, preserve and protect energy, recycle storm water and wastewater and establish non-conventional water sources should be explored in addition to finding opportunities for improved water storage, including regeneration and recovery of aquifers.

Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs


What is the importance of water management?

Water management is important as it helps to establish the expectations of future irrigation. Water management is water resources management in compliance with existing policies and regulations.


What is sustainable water management?

Sustainable water management (SWM) is a critical component of sustainable development and is responsible for issues that are similar to sustainability. Mays describes SWM as satisfying all water users current water demand without impacting future supply.


What are some examples of water resources?

Water resources are sources of usually fresh water that is useful or potentially useful to society, for example for use in agriculture, industry or recreation. Soil water, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs are examples.


Can water be extracted sustainably?

To irrigate community gardens, a sustainable water extraction system is needed. The sustainable water extraction method will reduce the use of fossil fuel, emissions and increase the yield of the gardens, thus increasing the resources available to the schools.


What is the purpose of water management?

Water budgeting and study of ground and sub-surface drainage systems are involved in wastewater management. Water management often involves modifying policies, such as drainage levels of groundwater, or allocating water for different purposes.


What are the ways of water management?

Reuse or conservation of water helps to recycle ground water by reducing the consumption and using alternative water sources. This approach involves the irrigation of rainwater, groundwater depletion, Grey water reuse, and wastewater recycling.


What are the objectives of water management?

Water Resources Management goals can include promoting conditions for sustainable, economically efficient and equitably allocated water resource use. These can involve improving advantages and reducing the risk associated with current hydraulic facilities.


What is the use of water management?

Water management is water resource protection and movement to mitigate risk to life and property and optimize successful beneficial usage. Efficient dam and levee water management decreases the risk of damage resulting from flooding.

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