Salt Water

We all use different forms of batteries in our everyday life. A battery is defined as a device that can convert the chemical energy of its cell parts into electrical energy. There are different types of batteries which come in different forms and sizes along with the power and energy they can produce. But what if we ever run out of batteries? This science experiment will teach how to produce electricity with ‘Salt’- one of the common household componenst and water.


This experiment mainly aims at exploring components of the battery and focuses primarily on the areas of conductivity in a battery and its effects on the generation of electricity. You may have already seen the usage of batteries in various areas. Here you can explore it in detail.

Materials Required

  • Salt
  • Copper-Coated wire
  • Tape
  • Zinc Coated Nail
  • Graph, Paper
  • Two insulated wires with alligator clips on both the ends
  • Voltameter
  • Small Glass Jar
  • Water
  • Measuring Spoons


Step 1: First, prepare a saltwater solution. Take a small amount of water in a jar and mix it well along with two or three pinches of salt.

Step 2: Now place a zinc-coated nail in the solution.

Step 3: Tape the nail to one end of the jar. It should be to the -ve electrode.

Step 4: Attach an alligator clip of one wire to one edge of the coated zinc wire that is falling free outside the solution.

Step 5: The alligator clip can be removed by squeezing.

Step 6: Now, attach the alligator clip of one end of the wire to the -ve terminal of the voltmeter.

Step 7: Connect the copper-coated nail to the +ve terminal of the voltmeter. To do this, repeat the same procedure that has been specified above for zinc-coated nails.

Step 8: Observe the dial of a voltmeter and pen down the readings that determine the amount of current flow between the two electrodes.

Step 9: Once again add a pinch of salt and check the readings. Repeat the same procedure to pen down more readings.


Check out the difference in the readings. It can be plotted in a graph for reference. In a graph, there exists a point where the current stops increasing.

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