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Control Hazards

Control hazard occurs whenever the pipeline makes incorrect branch prediction decisions, resulting in instructions entering the pipeline that must be discarded. A control hazard is often referred to as a branch hazard.

In this article, we will dive deeper into Control Hazards according to the GATE Syllabus for (Computer Science Engineering) CSE. Keep reading ahead to learn more.

Table of Contents

What are Control Hazards?

Branch hazards are caused by branch instructions and are known as control hazards. The flow of program/instruction execution is controlled by branch instructions. In higher-level languages, conditional statements are used for repetitive loops or condition testing (correlate with while, for, if, case statements). These are converted into one of the BRANCH instruction variations. To understand the programme flow, you must know the value of the condition being tested. It’s a difficult situation.

As a result, when the decision to execute one instruction is reliant on the result of another instruction, such as a conditional branch, which examines the condition’s consequent value, a conditional hazard develops.

The Program Counter (PC) is loaded with the appropriate place for the branch and jump instructions, which determines the programme flow. The next instruction that is to be fetched and executed by the given CPU is stored in the PC. Take a look at the instructions that follow:

In this scenario, fetching the I3 is pointless. What is the status of the pipeline? The I3 fetch must be terminated while in I2. This can only be determined once I2 has been decoded as JMP. As a result, the pipeline cannot continue at its current rate, resulting in a Control Dependency (hazard). If I3 is fetched in the meantime, it is not just unnecessary work, but it is also possible that some data in registers has been changed and needs to be reversed.

Identical scenarios arise in the case of conditional JMP or BRANCH.

Conditional Hazards Solutions

1. Stall

Stall the given pipeline as soon as any branch instructions are decoded. Just don’t allow IF anymore. Stalling reduces throughput as it always does. According to statistics, at least 30% of the instructions in a program are BRANCH. With Stalling, the pipeline is effectively operating at 50% capacity.

2. Prediction

Consider a for or a while loop that is repeated 100 times. We know the programme would run 100 times without the given branch condition being met. The program only exits the loop for the 101st time. As a result, it’s better to let the pipeline run its course and then flush/undo when the branch condition is met. This has less of an impact on the pipeline’s throttle and stalling.

3. Dynamic Branch Prediction

With the help of Branch Table Buffer, a historical record is kept (BTB). The BTB is a type of cache that contains a series of entries containing the branch instruction’s PC address and the effective branch address. This is done for each branch instruction that is encountered. When a conditional branch instruction is encountered, the BTB is queried for the matching branch instruction address. If the target branch address is hit, the next instruction is fetched from the associated target branch address. Dynamic branch prediction is the term for this.

Branch Instruction Address Target Branch Address Taken

Branch Table Buffer

This method works to the extent that the program’s temporal locality of reference allows it. When the prediction fails, flushing is required.

4. Reordering Instructions

Delayed branching entails reordering the instructions to move the branch instruction later in the sequence, allowing safe and beneficial instructions that are unaffected by the result of a branch to be brought in earlier in the sequence, delaying the fetch of the branch instruction. If such instructions are not available, NOP is used. The Compiler is used to implement this delayed branch.

Last but not least, the Control unit in a pipelined design is intended to handle the following scenarios:

  • Dependence requiring stall
  • No dependence
  • Dependence solution by forwarding
  • Out of order execution
  • Dependence with access in order
  • Branch prediction table and more

Keep learning and stay tuned to get the latest updates on the GATE Exam along with Eligibility Criteria, GATE Syllabus for CSE (Computer Science Engineering), GATE CSE Notes, GATE CSE Question Paper, and more.


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