The key difference between Array and String is that an Array is a data structure that holds a collection of elements having the same data types, while a String is a collection of characters. Let’s find out some major differences between array and string.
What is Array?
An Array is a Linear data structure and group of elements having the same data types. These are strong in a contiguous memory zone. Arrays are used to classify data of the same type. Let’s explore
You can explore the complete introduction to array to get a better understanding.
What is String?
A string is a sequence of characters, or we can say that string is a set of objects that are of char data type. These are organised in a particular manner.
Difference between Array and String in Java
S.No. | Array | String |
1. | An array is a linear data structure that holds a group of elements having the same data types. | A string is an object that defines a series of characters. |
2. | It can be both one and two-dimensional. | String is always two-dimensional. |
3. | It has the ability to hold any of the data types. | It has the ability to store only char data types. |
4. | Here the contiguous memory is used to store the elements of the array. | Strings are kept on the heap area in a different memory area called String Constant pool. |
5. | Arrays have fixed size. | String also has fixed size but it can be modified through char pointer. |
6. | These are mutable. | These are immutable. |
7. | It can save the integer, float and doubles. | It can only store char value. |
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