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Difference Between Machine Language and Assembly Language

Machine Language Vs. Assembly Language: Learn What is the Difference Between Machine Language and Assembly Language?

Both of these are types of programming languages. The programming languages allow their users to create instructions that make their computers perform any specific tasks. Such languages are of three types- machine, high-level, and assembly language. In this article, we will discuss the difference between machine language and assembly language. Read ahead to know more.

What is a Machine Language?

It is a low-level programming language- represented mainly by 1s and 0s. Earlier, whenever a user needed to show any data or create a picture on the computer screen, it used to become very difficult to draw by only using 0s and 1s (binary digits). But it becomes very difficult to learn and use binary digits. For instance, writing 120 in a computer system makes it 1111000. As a result, it becomes difficult for the users to remember it. To overcome this issue, the assembly language came into existence.

The machine languages make use of a sequence of bits to give commands. The 1s (one) depict the on or true states. The 0s (zero), on the other hand, depict the off or false states. Converting a high-level language into a machine language depends on the system’s CPU. But we don’t need mnemonics in a machine language. Any human, in general, cannot memorize the binary codes of machine languages. Thus, it is not possible for someone to learn these languages.

The machine languages need no translators. It is because they are already present in machine-understandable form. The process of execution is very fast in the case of machine languages. It is because they already contain their data in a binary format. The machine language is the lowest level of all the programming languages. It executes all the instructions directly through the CPU (Central Processing System) of the system.

What is an Assembly Language?

This language is more than the low-level language and lower than the high-level language. Thus, it’s an intermediary language. They make use of abbreviations, symbols, and numbers instead of the binary digits- 1s and 0s. For instance, the language uses symbols like Mul, Sub, and Add for multiplication, subtraction, and addition.

They don’t use raw bit sequences- but mnemonics symbols and names. In the case of the assembly languages, the users don’t need to remember the concerned op-codes. The assembly language codes are always more readable than the machine language ones. Humans can easily map them into machine codes. It is very much possible for people to memorize the codes/ commands that we use in assembly languages. Thus, one can learn these languages.

Assembly languages need translators (also known as assemblers) for converting the mnemonics into a machine-understandable form. These languages have a slower execution than that of any machine language. The assembly language is a low-level language for programming that requires an assembler to convert the instructions into a final object or machine code.

Difference Between Machine Language and Assembly Language

Parameters Machine Language Assembly Language
Nature of Syntax The machine languages consist of 1s and 0s as binary digits. The assembly languages have a similar syntax to that of the English language- thus making it easy for general users to understand (other than the programmers).
Ease of Comprehension Only computers can comprehend machine languages. A normal human doesn’t possess the capacity to decipher it. It is very easy for any human to understand, apply, and use assembly language. Machines cannot directly read and understand them.
Level of Language The machine language is the lowest level of all the programming languages. It executes all the instructions directly through the CPU (Central Processing System) of the system. The assembly language is a low-level language for programming that requires an assembler to convert the instructions into a final object or machine code.
Dependency The machine languages stay dependent on the concerned platforms. Their features have a variation accordingly. The assembly languages consist of a standard set of instructions.
Applicable Areas These languages only serve in the case of coding for machines. One can use these languages in microprocessor-based devices/ apps and also for real-time systems.
Programming Language Generation

The machine languages are first-gen languages.

The assembly languages are second-gen languages.
Representation of Code In machine languages, one can represent the data and info by using the binary format of 1s and 0s along with octadecimal and hexadecimal. The assembly languages make use of mnemonics like End, Sub, Ass, Mov, Mul, etc., to represent data and info.
Use of Mnemonics The machine languages make use of a sequence of bits to give commands. The 1s (one) depict the on or true states. The 0s (zero), on the other hand, depict the off or false states. Converting a high-level language into a machine language depends on the system’s CPU. But we don’t need mnemonics in a machine language. They don’t use raw bit sequences- but mnemonics symbols and names. In the case of the assembly languages, the users don’t need to remember the concerned op-codes. The assembly language codes are always more readable than the machine language ones. Humans can easily map them into machine codes.
Speed of Execution The process of execution is very fast in the case of machine languages. It is because they already contain their data in a binary format. These languages have a slower execution than that of any machine language.
Translator The machine languages need no translators. It is because they are already present in machine-understandable form. Assembly languages need translators (also known as assemblers) for converting the mnemonics into a machine-understandable form.
Dependency All machine languages are dependent on hardware. The assembly languages are machine-dependent. They are, thus, not portable.
Modifications The machine languages have no support regarding changes, alterations, and fixing errors. One can easily modify an assembly programming language.
Memorization Any human, in general, cannot memorize the binary codes of machine languages. Thus, it is not possible for someone to learn these languages. It is very much possible for people to memorize the codes/ commands that we use in assembly languages. Thus, one can learn these languages.
Risk of Errors There is a higher risk of errors in the syntax of any machine language, in general. There is a comparatively lower risk of errors in the syntax of an assembly language in use.
Compiler A machine language doesn’t need a compiler to execute its commands. One needs an assembler (commonly called a compiler) to execute the commands of an assembly language properly.

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