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Difference between Interrupt and Polling

The main difference between interrupt and polling is that, in the case of an interrupt, the system informs the CPU that it needs attention, while talking about polling, the CPU constantly inspects the status of the system to find whether it needs attention.

What is Interrupt?

An interrupt is an affair that indicates the CPU to take prompt action. In other words, we can say that the device notifies the CPU that it needs its attention. When an interrupt happens, the CPU usually holds its current task and starts executing the corresponding interrupt handler. After completing this task it resumes the old task which was paused.

What is Polling?

Polling is an affair that informs the CPU that a system needs its attention. It is a constant action to find out whether the system is working efficiently and properly.

Difference between Interrupt and Polling

S.No Interrupt Polling
1. When it comes to an interrupt, the device informs the CPU that it needs its attention. When it comes to polling, the CPU keeps on checking if the device needs attention.
2. It is a hardware mechanism, not a protocol. It is a protocol and not a hardware mechanism.
3. Here the system is functioned by an interrupt handler. Here the system is serviced by a CPU.
4. It can occur at any time and moment. Here the CPU polls the system at some particular intervals.
5. In the case of an interrupt, the Interrupt-request line indicates that the device requires assistance. In the case of polling, the command ready bit suggests the device requires service.

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