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Difference Between Multithreading and Multitasking

Multi-threading Vs. Multi-tasking: Find the Difference Between Multithreading and Multitasking

Both of these are processes that a CPU performs, but there is a primary difference between multitasking and multithreading. Multi-tasking is a term that refers to a logical extension to the process of multiprogramming, while multi-threading is basically a thread-based form of multitasking.

Multitasking lets the CPU perform various tasks simultaneously (threads, process, program, task), while multithreading helps in the execution of various threads in a single process simultaneously. In this article, we will discuss the difference between multithreading and multitasking in a comparison chart. Let us first take a look at their individual functionalities.

What is Multi-tasking?

It refers to the process in which a CPU happens to execute multiple tasks at any given time. CPU switching occurs very often when multitasking between various tasks. This way, the users get to collaborate with every program together at the same time. Since it involves rapid CPU switching, it requires some time. It is because switching from one user to another might need some resources. The processes in multi-tasking, unlike multi-threading, share separate resources and memories.

What is Multithreading?

It is a system that creates many threads out of a single process to increase the overall power and working capacity of a computer. In the process of multi-threading, we use a CPU for executing many threads out of a single process at any given time. Also, the process of creation depends entirely on the cost. The process of multithreading, unlike multitasking, makes use of the very same resources and memory for processing the execution.

Difference Between Multitasking and Multithreading

Parameters Multi-tasking Multi-threading
Basics The process of multi-tasking lets a CPU execute various tasks at the very same time. The process of multi-threading lets a CPU generate multiple threads out of a task and process all of them simultaneously.
Working A user can easily perform various tasks simultaneously with their CPU using multi-tasking. A CPU gets to divide a single program into various threads so that it can work more efficiently and conveniently. Thus, multi-threading increases computer power.
Resources and Memory The system needs to allocate separate resources and memory to different programs working simultaneously in multi-tasking. The system allocates a single memory to any given process in multi-threading. The various threads generated out of it share that very same resource and memory that the CPU allocated to them.
Switching There is the constant switching between various programs by the CPU. The CPU constantly switches between the threads and not programs.
Multiprocessing It involves multiprocessing among the various components. It does not involve multiprocessing among its various components.
Speed of Execution Executing multi-tasking is comparatively slower. Executing multi-threading is comparatively much faster.
Process Termination The termination of a process takes up comparatively more time in multi-tasking. The termination of a process takes up comparatively less time in multithreading.

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