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Difference Between One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Array

One-Dimensional Vs. Two-Dimensional Array: Find the Difference Between One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Array

The term array refers to a collection of common name variables that have a similar type of data each. In this article, we will discuss the difference between one-dimensional and two-dimensional arrays. But let us first know their individual functionalities.

The one-dimensional array basically consists of a list of variables that have the very same data type. On the other hand, a two-dimensional array consists of a list of arrays- that have similar data types.

One can access any specified element in an array with the help of the index of that particular element in the array.

The arrays work very differently in Java as compared to that in C++. In the case of C++, it does not have any bound checking on the arrays. Java, on the other hand, has a strict bound checking on the arrays. There is more than one difference between a one-dimensional and two-dimensional array. They both vary in the ways in which one can initialize, access, insert, traverse, delete, implement them. Let us get into them in the form of a comparison chart.

Difference Between One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Array

Parameters One-Dimensional Array Two-Dimensional Array
Basics A one-dimensional array stores a single list of various elements having a similar data type. A two-dimensional array stores an array of various arrays, or a list of various lists, or an array of various one-dimensional arrays.
Representation It represents multiple data items in the form of a list. It represents multiple data items in the form of a table that contains columns and rows.
Dimensions It has only one dimension. It has a total of two dimensions.
Parameters of Receiving One can easily receive it in a pointer, an unsized array, or a sized array. The parameters that receive it must define an array’s rightmost dimension.
Total Size (in terms of Bytes) Total number of Bytes = The size of array x the size of array variable or datatype. Total number of Bytes = The size of array visible or datatype x the size of second index x the size of the first index.

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