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Difference between Raster and Vector Graphics

What is Raster Graphics?

In the world of digital photography and computer graphics, a raster is a technique that defines a two-dimensional picture as a grid of square pixels or a rectangular matrix that we are able to view through computer display, paper, and many other mediums.

What is Vector Graphics?

In the world of computer graphics, a vector is the collection of techniques for constructing visual images straight from geometric shapes illustrated on a Cartesian plane, such as lines, curves, points, and polygons.

These are basically known as computer images constructed utilising a series of commands or mathematical statements that put lines and shapes in a two-dimensional or three-dimensional area or space.

Difference between Raster and Vector Graphics

S.No. Raster Vector
1. Raster images are constructed through pixels. Vector images are constructed through lines, curves, and fills.
2. Raster prefers graphic formats like GIF, JPEG,PNG and PCX, etc. Vector uses graphic formats like EPS, WMF, TrueType, PICT etc.
3. Raster are not that scalable. Vectors are scalable to any size.
5. They work best when it comes to editing photos. They work best when it comes to drawings, illustrations, and logos.
6. We can use rasters in GIMP, Photoshop, and paint shops. We can use vectors in CorelDraw, Illustrator and Inkscape.
7. It is complex and time consuming to transform a raster file to a vector photograph. We can easily convert a vector image into a raster image.
8. When the spot colours are limited, it becomes challenging to print raster images It is easy to print vector images as the number of colours can be modified anytime during printing.
9. We can easily convert a raster file into any file format. We cannot change the vector files.

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