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Difference Between Direct and Indirect Addressing Modes

Direct Vs. Indirect Addressing Modes: Explore the Difference Between Direct and Indirect Addressing Modes

An addressing mode is basically a technique used for determining the operand that associates with any given instruction. A multiprocessor mainly functions to execute all the instructions in a group (that their memory stores) in order to conduct any specified task.

Out of all the addressing modes, the direct and indirect modes help in specifying the way in which we can access the data and info from a given memory (when we execute any instructions). There exists a major difference between direct and indirect addressing modes. In the case of a direct mode, the given address field directly refers to the memory location where we have stored the data. Contrary to this, the address field in an indirect mode first refers to the register. After that, it directs to the intended memory location.

What is Direct Addressing Mode?

When talking about the Direct Addressing Mode, the effective address of an operand stays in the addressing field of any given instruction. As a matter of fact, it does not require intermediate access to memory. The direct mode is very rare these days.

What is Indirect Addressing Mode?

The memory location/ register stays in the addressing field of instruction in the case of an Indirect Addressing Mode. It, in turn, contains the address of the operand. Here, we require a total of two of the memory accesses. The indirect mode is further divided into the Memory Indirect and the Register Indirect modes.

Now that we understand the concept of these two- let us get into the difference between both of them.

Difference between Direct and Indirect Addressing Modes

Parameters Direct Mode Indirect Mode
Basic Concept The direct addressing mode contains the concerned operand in the instruction code’s address field. In the case of an indirect addressing mode, the operand’s address stays in the address field of any instruction.
Total number of Memory References It requires no memory references for accessing the data. It requires multiple memory references for searching an operand.
Space required for Address It makes use of a comparatively smaller space than the indirect mode. It makes use of a comparatively larger space than the direct mode.
Additional Calculation One requires no additional overhead for searching the effective address of an operand. The additional calculation is a prerequisite to performing any given operation here.
Additional Overhead One requires no additional overhead for searching the effective address of an operand. You would always require overhead to search for the operand’s address.
Process Speed The direct method is comparatively faster. One can easily access memory. The indirect method performs at a comparatively slower speed. It takes time to access memory.
Classification The Direct Addressing Mode does not classify further into any categories. The Indirect Mode is further classified into two major categories- the Memory Indirect and the Register Indirect modes.

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