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Difference Between Supercomputer and Mainframe Computer

Know the Difference Between Supercomputer and Mainframe Computer

Both of these are the most powerful types of computers developed to date. There is a fundamental difference between Supercomputer and Mainframe Computer based on their size, performance, operations, and many more. In this article, we will discuss the same. But let us first understand a bit about both of these as well.

Both types of computers perform different tasks. Supercomputers basically focus on faster computing for the mathematical operations that might be complex in nature. The mainframe computer, on the other hand, acts like a server. It offers multiprogramming, many I/O devices, and provides support for large DB (databases).

What is a Supercomputer?

These types of computers are the largest when it comes to computer sizes. Thus, they are the most expensive ones in the market. Seymour Cray basically invented the supercomputer. These assist in various complex and large computations of mathematics. As compared to the mainframe computers, their speed is also pretty high. It means that a supercomputer can feasibly perform the execution of billions of instructions in just a second (or floating-point instructions).

What is a Mainframe Computer?

These types of computers are also pretty advanced, but they are comparatively smaller in size than the supercomputers. Also, the mainframe computers are slower in speed and help in storing large amounts of databases in them. These computers are pretty economic and serve basic purposes effectively. IBM invented the first-ever mainframe computer. It performs a simultaneous execution of millions of instructions together, and yet, it offers a slower speed than the supercomputers. Still, these are pretty fast.

Difference Between Supercomputer and Mainframe Computer

Parameters Supercomputer Mainframe Computer
Basics and Implementation The primary function of a supercomputer is to perform various large computations of mathematics that might be complex in nature. The primary function of a mainframe computer is the storage of large amounts of databases in them.
Invention Seymour Cray invented the first successful Supercomputer back in 1976- known as the Cray 1. IBM came up with the first-ever mainframe computer. It is still the most popular company that develops these computers.
Speed These can feasibly perform the execution of billions of floating-point operations in just a second. These can perform simultaneous execution of millions of instructions at the same time.
Size These are basically the largest computers till today in the world. These are also pretty large but smaller than the supercomputers in size.
Expense These are the most expensive type of computers in the world. These are also comparatively more expensive than a majority of computers but cheaper than supercomputers.
OS (Operating Systems) Supercomputers (modern ones) make use of the Linux OS and its derivative variants. A typical mainframe computer is capable of running multiple OS simultaneously.
Performance The performance of these computers is faster and much better. It is because of their ability to execute billions of operations per second. These can simultaneously execute and perform millions of operations together- but they are slower and less efficient than supercomputers.

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