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E-Commerce MCQs

Solve Multiple-Choice Questions on E-Commerce to prepare better for MCQ preparation. It is very beneficial to solve MCQs before exams for multiple reasons. You can practise, analyse and understand concepts while solving them. It will also help you in time management.

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E-Commerce MCQs are a prerequisite to the current examination pattern. If you wish to learn more, you can check notes, mock tests, and previous years’ question papers related to E-Commerce. Get an idea about E-Commerce MCQs by solving the ones compiled below for your practice.

Multiple-Choice Questions on E-Commerce

  1. E-Commerce stands for _______.
    1. Electrical Commerce
    2. Electronic Commerce
    3. Entertainment Commerce
    4. ElectroChemical Commerce
    5. Answer (b)

  2. The World Wide Web (WWW) was introduced in the year ……………………
    1. 1994
    2. 1996
    3. 1992
    4. 1990
    5. Answer (a)

  3. __________ is an early form of E-commerce
    1. SCM
    2. EDI
    3. Both of these
    4. Neither of these
    5. Answer (b)

  4. ____________ is concerned with the buying and selling information, products and services over computer communication networks
    1. Commerce
    2. E-Commerce
    3. E-Business
    4. None of these
    5. Answer (b)

  5. Which among the following products is suitable for E-Commerce?
    1. Books
    2. Vegetables
    3. All of these
    4. None of these
    5. Answer (a)

  6. Which of the following is not a party of SCM?
    1. Suppliers
    2. Manufacturers
    3. Distributors
    4. Customers
    5. Answer (c)

  7. _______ is a function of E commerce.
    1. Marketing
    2. Supply Chain
    3. Finance
    4. All of the above
    5. Answer (d)

  8. ________mainly deals with buying and selling, especially on a large scale.
    1. Shopping
    2. Commerce
    3. Retailing
    4. Distribution
    5. Answer (b)

  9. E‑commerce has _____ scope than E-Business or Digital Business.
    1. Higher
    2. Narrower
    3. Wider
    4. More
    5. Answer (b)

  10. _______is a system of interconnected electronic components or circuits.
    1. Electronic Network
    2. Marketplaces
    3. Electronic Markets
    4. Metamarkets
    5. Answer (a)

  11. All electronically mediated information exchanges are referred to as _____
    1. E-Business
    2. Digital Business
    3. E-Commerce
    4. None of the above
    5. Answer (c)

  12. _________are markets linked via modern communications networks and powered through high-speed computers.
    1. Marketplaces
    2. Metamarkets
    3. Electronic Network
    4. Electronic Markets
    5. Answer (d)

  13. ___________ is a part of the 4 important types of E-commerce.
    1. All of the above
    2. B2B
    3. P2P
    4. C2A
    5. Answer (a)

  14. Companies like Flipkart, Amazon and Myntra belong to which type of Ecommerce (EC) segment.
    1. B2B
    2. B2C
    3. P2P
    4. C2B
    5. Answer (b)

  15. Customers pay a fixed amount, commonly month-to-month or quarterly or annually, to get a few types of service referred to as ________E-Commerce Business Model.
    1. Licensing
    2. Subscription
    3. Transaction
    4. Affiliate
    5. Answer (b)

  16. This E-Commerce commercial enterprise model specifically specialises in selling services or products online.
    1. Indirect Marketing
    2. Online Direct Marketing
    3. Brick & Mortar
    4. Marketplace
    5. Answer (b)

  17. _________is a retail fulfillment approach in which a shop doesn’t hold the goods it sells in stock.
    1. Aggregator Model
    2. Affiliate
    3. Dropshipping
    4. Advertising Model
    5. Answer (c)

  18. Some marketers or companies charge other companies for letting them place a banner on their websites, blogs or platforms known as the ___________E-Commerce Model.
    1. Affiliate
    2. Transaction
    3. Aggregator
    4. Advertising
    5. Answer (d)

  19. Among the alternative models of B2B E-commerce, which is the best means to acquire a competitive advantage in the market?
    1. Strategic relationship
    2. Process
    3. Transaction
    4. All of the above
    5. Answer (a)

  20. The concept of online marketing and selling of products and services through the internet is _________
    1. B2G
    2. B2C
    3. B2B
    4. B2E
    5. Answer (b)

  21. Which of the following is not a user of B2C E-commerce?
    1. Distributors
    2. Manufacturers
    3. Publishers
    4. None of the above
    5. Answer (d)

  22. ___________ allows transactions among customers and dealers through supplying complete information and ancillary services, without being concerned about the actual exchange of products and offerings among the parties.
    1. Middlemen
    2. Metamediary
    3. Intermediary
    4. All of the following
    5. Answer (b)

  23. Which of the following is NOT a B2B E-commerce?
    1. Sending and receiving orders
    2. Invoice and shopping
    3. All of the above
    4. None of the above
    5. Answer (d)

  24. ……………lets in a commercial enterprise utility at the computer of one organization to speak immediately with the commercial enterprise utility at the computer of any other company
    1. EDI
    2. Business applications
    3. Standards
    4. Protocols
    5. Answer (a)

  25. What is ‘EOQ’ in Inventory control?
    1. Economic Occuring Quantity
    2. Economic Order Quantity
    3. Economic Over Quantity
    4. Economic of Quantity
    5. Answer (b)


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