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RISC and CISC Architecture

RISC is an abbreviation for Reduced Instruction Set Computer, while CISC is an abbreviation for Complex Instruction Set Computer. Out of these, the RISC processors have a comparatively smaller set of instructions along with few addressing nodes. On the other hand, the CISC processors consist of a larger set of instructions along with multiple addressing nodes.

In this article, we will dive deeper into the RISC and CISC Architecture according to the GATE Syllabus for (Computer Science Engineering) CSE. Keep reading ahead to learn more.

Table of Contents

RISC and CISC Architecture

Reduced Instruction Set Computer or RISC Architecture

The fundamental goal of RISC is to make hardware simpler by employing an instruction set that consists of only a few basic steps used for evaluating, loading, and storing operations. A load command loads data but a store command stores data.

Characteristics of RISC:

1. It has simpler instructions and thus simple instruction decoding.

2. More general-purpose registers.

3. The instruction takes one clock cycle in order to get executed.

4. The instruction comes under the size of a single word.

5. Pipeline can be easily achieved.

6. Few data types.

7. Simpler addressing modes.

Complex Instruction Set Computer or CISC Architecture

The fundamental goal of CISC is that a single instruction will handle all evaluating, loading, and storing operations, similar to how a multiplication command will handle evaluating, loading, and storing data, which is why it’s complicated.

Characteristics of CISC:

1. Instructions are complex, and thus it has complex instruction decoding.

2. The instructions may take more than one clock cycle in order to get executed.

3. The instruction is larger than one-word size.

4. Lesser general-purpose registers since the operations get performed only in the memory.

5. More data types.

6. Complex addressing modes.

Both CISC and RISC approaches primarily try to increase the performance of a CPU. Here is how both of these work:

1. CISC: This kind of approach tries to minimize the total number of instructions per program, and it does so at the cost of increasing the total number of cycles per instruction.

2. RISC: It reduces the cycles per instruction and does so at the cost of the total number of instructions per program.

RISC and CISC Architecture When programming was done in assembly language earlier, there was a desire to make the instructions perform more tasks. It is because assembly programming was arduous and error-prone and led to the evolution of CISC architecture. But as the dependency of high-level language on assembly language decreased, RISC architecture prevailed.


Suppose we need to add two different 8-bit numbers:

1. CISC approach: There would be a single instruction or command for this, such as ADD, that would perform the task.

2. RISC approach: In this case, the programmer would write the very first load command in order to load data in the registers. Then it would use a suitable operator and store the obtained result in the location that is desired.

The add operation here is divided into parts, namely, operate, load, and store. Due to this, RISC programs are much longer, and they require more memory to get stored, even though they require fewer transistors because the commands are less complex.

Practice Problems in RISC and CISC Architecture

1. Both the RISC and CISC architectures have primarily been developed to reduce _____________.

a. Time delay

b. Semantic gap

c. Cost

d. All of the above

Answer – (b) Semantic gap

2. Pipe-lining is the special feature of ____________.


b. ISA



Answer – (d) RISC

3. Which of these architectures is power efficient?


b. ISA



Answer – (d) RISC

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