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Difference between Computer Architecture and Computer Organisation

What is Computer Architecture?

Computer architecture is a group of rules, orders, and processes that describe the functionality and performance of computer systems. Basically, it deals with the operational behaviour of computer systems.

What is Computer Organisation?

Computer Organisation is also known as Microarchitecture. It provides deep knowledge of functionality, structuring, internal working, and implementation of a computer system. The role of computer organisation comes after Computer architecture.

Difference between Computer Architecture and Computer Organisation

S.No Computer Architecture Computer Organisation
1. They explain what a computer does. They explain how a computer actually does it.
2. They majorly focus on the functional behaviour of computer systems. They majorly focus on the structural relationship and deep knowledge of the internal working of a system.
3. Computer architectures deal with high-level design matters. They deal with low-level design matters.
4. It comes before computer organisation. It comes after the architecture part.
5. It is also called instruction set architecture. It is also called microarchitecture.
6. It covers logical functions, such as registers, data types, instruction sets, and addressing modes. It covers physical units like peripherals, circuit designs, and adders.
7. They coordinate between the hardware and software of the system. They manage the portion of the network in a system.

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