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Difference between Constructor and Method

Both constructor and method are important segments of object-oriented programming. Let’s discuss some major differences between constructor and method.

What is a Constructor?

In the object-oriented programming world, constructors play an important role. Constructors help in initialising an object. The name of class and constructor always remain the same. Constructor has the group of instructions that are performed at the time of object creation. In general, programmers use constructors to provide initial values to the variables represented in the class.

What is the Method?

In the object-oriented programming world, a method is a grouping of instructions that execute some particular operation and return the result to the caller. It helps the program to become more manageable. It allows us to reuse the code without writing it again.

Difference between Constructor and Method

S.No. Constructor Method
1. A constructor helps in initialising an object. A Method is a grouping of instructions that returns a value upon its execution.
2. The new keyword plays a critical role in calling the constructor. Method calls play a critical role in invoking methods.
3. It does not have a return type. It has a return type.
4. The name of the constructor and class will always be the same. For the method, we can use any name.
5. A Constructor helps in initialising an object that doesn’t exist. A Method performs functions on pre-constructed or already developed objects.
6. A class has the ability to have several constructors with different parameters. A class has the ability to have several methods with different parameters.
7. It can’t be inherited by subclasses. It can be inherited by subclasses.

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