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Difference Between Compile Time Errors and Runtime Errors

Compile Time Errors Vs. Runtime Errors: Find the Difference Between Compile Time Errors and Runtime Errors

Both of these are types of errors. In this article, we will discuss the major difference between compile-time errors and runtime errors, but let us first know a bit more about errors.

An error or exception refers to an interruption in the execution of code due to which we cannot attain the expected outcome to the end-users. We classify these errors on the basis of the event when we generate the error.

What are Compile Time Errors?

These errors occur when we violate the rules present in a syntax. The compile-time error indicates something that we need to fix before compiling the code. A compiler can easily detect these errors. It is the reason why we call them compile-time errors. Here are the most frequent errors (compile-time):

  • Terminator- missing semicolon.
  • Missing parenthesis.
  • Printing the overall value of a variable with no declaration.

What are Runtime Errors?

These errors occur during the run-time program execution after a successful compilation. Division error is one of the most common errors (runtime). It occurs due to the division by zero. It is very difficult for a compiler to find out a runtime error because it cannot point out the exact line at which this particular error occurs.

Difference Between Compile Time Errors and Runtime Errors

Here is a list of the differences present between Compile Time Errors and Runtime Errors.

Parameters Compile Time Errors Runtime Errors
Detection Compilers can easily detect compile-time errors during the development of code. A compiler cannot easily detect a runtime error. Thus, we need to identify it during the execution of code.
Reference A compile-time error generally refers to the errors that correspond to the semantics or syntax. A runtime error refers to the error that we encounter during the code execution during runtime.
Fixation We can easily fix a compile-time error during the development of code. A compiler cannot identify a runtime error. But we can fix it after the execution of code and identification of the code in prior.

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